Policy interventions will have to be intelligent: Striving to create deep, but temporary, safety nets during COVID-19 without generating imbalances and distortions thereafter
Over the next few months, Moody's expects job losses across countries to accelerate
I believe the full-year impact on GDP will be around 150 basis points (bps)
COVID-19 will cause no less a disruption to the economy than the goods and services tax has done
While working from home, bond traders are doing bare minimum trade to cover their positions; there is also the expectation of a 50-150-bp rate cut
Suggests setting aside 1% of GDP for cash transfer scheme for poor and elderly
Taking into account the current slow economic growth and changes in the prices of commodities, analysts at Nomura estimate 10% and 8% downside risk to FY21 and FY22 consensus' earning estimates
Here's a selection of Business Standard Opinion pieces for the day
The CAD is a critical indicator of the macroeconomic health and represents the gap between the overall foreign exchange expended and received in the economy.
Will China's loss in meeting demand from the US and Europe help Indian businesses like leather, ceramics, and plastics? And if it does, will the gains be sustainable?
He was asked about on Moody's forecast which has put India's GDP forecast at 5.3% in 2020.
Wood believes the Narendra Mod government seems to be prioritising the social agenda over economic issues
the underperformance of winter portfolio, decline in male grooming range lead to flat Q3 revenue growth
Exports zoom but job growth at 3-month low
Departments are most reluctant to factor in changes in the GDP within the same financial year
According to the latest OECD Interim Economic Outlook Forecasts, India's real GDP growth is expected at 5.1 per cent during the fiscal year starting April 1, 2020
The GDP growth is forecast to recover slightly to 5.4 per cent in 2020-21 (April 2020 to March 2021)
With limited monetary policy space, India-Ratings and Research believes the Reserve Bank of India will continue to focus on monetary transmission through long-term repo operation/operation twist
The stress lies in the manufacturing and construction sectors, the biggest employers of semi-skilled labour
Interestingly, the GDP estimates for FY19 have been revised downwards significantly, pushing up quarterly growth estimates for the current financial year