Inflation is up in India. At some point, the RBI will have to raise rates, like the rest of the world is doing, Rajan said
India may have done well by keeping commercial bank lending to the government within manageable limits, but RBI has been lending more to the government, which means it has been printing more notes
In a chat with Business Standard's Arup Roychoudhury, CEO of ReNew Power and President of Assocham Sumant Sinha tells why India could grow at 6-8% per annum if external risks don't upset the cart
'The markets should not assume we will guide them, because the data is coming without warning', said Varma
Consequently, the food inflation also increased from 24.7 per cent last month to 29.5 per cent for March
Stock investors must avoid highly leveraged companies and those trading at steep valuations to beat inflation.
The report has projected government expenditure at 18.4 per cent of the GDP in 2022 and 17.1 per cent in 2023 compared to 18.6 per cent in 2021
Under the Indonesia presidency, the Union Finance Minister at G20 said that it is well placed to catalyse international policy coordination to deal with macroeconomic consequences
The major contribution towards the rise in the general index of agricultural labourers and rural labourers came from the clothing, bedding and footwear group
IMF Fiscal Affairs Director Vitor Gaspar said poor households spent up to 60% of their budgets on food, compared to just 10% for the average household in advanced economies
The poor spend around 50% of their total consumption on food items, the World Bank said in the report released on Tuesday
Apart from Fed rate hike, inflation and Russia-Ukraine war, it is the challenges within the soonicorn ecosystem that could spoil the billion-dollar party for many enterprises.
They are best suited among the bouquet debt funds to sail through volatility in debt markets, say industry players
This surge comes as commodity prices harden amid the Russia-Ukraine offensive
Exchange rate stabilisation will import high tradeables inflation into India
Former Pakistan PM Imran Khan lost power after he lost a no-confidence vote on the issues of inflation and the worsening economic situation of the country
Margin pressure and valuation premium point to downside for stocks
The comparative numbers spell bad news for the world rather than any good news for India, whose growth forecasts are getting tempered even as the inflation picture is getting worse, writes T N Ninan
Although gold is considered a hedge against inflation and geopolitical risks, interest rate hikes raise the opportunity cost of holding non-yielding bullion
In a statement following a monetary policy committee meeting, the bank said it was keeping its policy rate constant at 14 per cent