A military chopper crashed in Tamil Nadu's Coonoor on Wednesday in which Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat was travelling along with 14 others
The chopper was on its way from the Sulur IAF base to the Defence Services College (DSC) at Wellington when it crashed
Beijing accused New Delhi of instigating a "geopolitical confrontation" after the chief of defence staff (CDS) Bipin Rawat's termed China as India's biggest security threat.
China has protested to India over Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat's reported remarks about Beijing constituting the biggest security threat, the Ministry of Defence here said on Thursday.
Rawat said a lack of "trust" and growing "suspicion" is coming in the way of resolving the border dispute
Rawat said history is witness to the fact that whenever a country neglects its armed forces, the external powers are quick to exploit it.
"Even after turning Kashmir into an open-air prison, Bipin Rawat's statement comes as no surprise because repression is GOIs only method to deal with the situation in J&K" Mufti tweeted.
The Chief of Defence Staff made the observations on Saturday
India's Chief of Defence Staff, General Bipin Rawat has met with US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin and discussed expanding multilateral cooperation with regional partners
The two leaders agreed to continued cooperation in training exercises and creating more opportunities to increase interoperability between the two militaries, Joint Staff Spokesperson said
The CDS said the military was also looking at creating a single theatre command for managing the threat from China
Chief of Defence Staff Gen Bipin Rawat on Wednesday asserted that any possible terrorist activity flowing out of Taliban-controlled Afghanistan and finding its way into India will be firmly dealt with
Paying homage to Kargil heroes on the occasion of 22nd Vijay Diwas, Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) General Bipin Rawat installed the Victory Flame here at the Kargil War Memorial in Dras.
Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat has said that terrorists working with the Pakistan Army can go rogue and it could escalate the situation with India
Armed forces are also creating military medical infrastructure to be made available to civilians
Chief of Defence Staff Gen Bipin Rawat on Thursday said the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan should not create a vacuum for "disruptors" to step in
In his address at the Raisina Dialogue here, Gen Rawat said China felt that it will be able to compel nations to give in to its demands by doing a little bit of 'shove and push'
General Rawat dispelled apprehensions on Wednesday that the creation of theatre commands to increase the synergy among the Army, Navy and Air Force would lead to one service usurping the other two
General Bipin Rawat arrived at the Southern Naval Command for a two-day visit during which he will review the progress of the Indigenous Aircraft Carrier being constructed at the Cochin Shipyard
The plans currently afoot to restructure the military raise several questions about the command structure and accretion of power