Ramkrishna hit the headlines after a recent Sebi order said she was steered by a yogi, dwelling in the Himalayan ranges
Ramkrishna was the third woman to head an exchange in the Asia-Pacific region after Sri Lanka's Colombo Stock Exchange and China's Shenzhen Stock Exchange
NSE responds to Sebi order on governance lapses, says will extend 'full co-operation'
Sebi penalised the NSE and its former MDs and CEOs, Chitra Ramkrishna and Ravi Narain, and others for violating securities contract rules in a case
Exchange made to shell out Rs 1 cr, former heads told to cough up Rs 25 lakh each
NSE and the people punished, challenged the order at the SAT on May 21
Board sets up selection committee; Ravichandran appointed interim CEO