After the arrest of Punjab Health Minister Vijay Singla over corruption charges, Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Tuesday took a dig at the Aam Aadmi Party stating that some MLAs of AAP are in jail, while many are removed under charges of corruption.
Khattar further said that BJP has a stand-up policy, making people independent while the AAP has a sit-down policy, giving freebies.
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"The kind of party(AAP) it is, nothing can be said. A lot of their (AAP) MLAs are in jail, many being removed under charges of corruption. We have a stand-up policy, making people independent. They've sit-down policy, giving freebies," he said.
"It is not right as it will make people lazy," he said.
Punjab Health Minister Vijay Singla was sacked from the cabinet by Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Tuesday. Shortly after which, he was arrested by the Anti-Corruption Branch.
The Punjab Chief Minister said that the AAP has a zero-tolerance policy against corruption. He said that he has sacked Singla from the cabinet and directed Police to register a case against him.
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According to Punjab CMO, Singla was demanding 1 per cent commission from officials for contracts and he also confessed to it.
"I am taking strict action against that minister, sacking him from the cabinet and directing the Police to register a case against him. That Minister is Vijay Singla. He had indulged in corruption in his department, and he also confessed to it. AAP has a zero-tolerance policy against corruption," said Mann.
"A case had come to my knowledge, a minister of my government was demanding a 1 per cent commission for every tender. I took it very seriously. Nobody knew about it, had I wanted it could have brushed it under the carpet. But I would have broken the trust of people who trusted me," Punjab CM added.