Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Wednesday said his government will present a paperless budget which will save Rs 21 lakh of the state exchequer, besides saving 34 tonne of paper.
Mann described it as a step towards e-governance.
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Good news for the people of Punjab... My government has decided that there will be a paperless budget this time. With this, around Rs 21 lakh of the state exchequer will be saved34 tonne paper will be saved.. it means it will save 814-834 treesanother step towards e-Governance.., said Mann in a tweet in Punjabi.
Notably, the Punjab assembly in March had passed a vote-on-account for the first three months, April till June, of the financial year 2022-23.
The Aam Aadmi Party came to power in March after winning 92 of the 117 Punjab assembly segments in the state.