Drug will be manufactured at firm's Ahmedabad SEZ unit, group now has 202 approvals, has so far filed over 330 ANDAs since commencement of filing process
Higher proportion of Indian women who were pregnant were anaemic in 2016 (50%) when compared to China (32%), Bangladesh (46%), and Nepal (40%), according to data from the World Bank
Occasional studies since then have documented the presence of environmental bacteria on bar soap, but none have shown bar soap to be a source of infection
Analysis of data from almost 23,460 people who are overweight or obese revealed that weight misperception has increased in England
The study, published Thursday in the journal Neuron, found that viruses interact with genes linked to Alzheimer's and may play a role in how Alzheimer's develops and progresses
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Gawande said he was "thrilled" to be named the CEO of the health care initiative
People who are more aware that their hunger is manifesting as an emotion are less likely to become hangry
CF is a genetic disease with one in every 2,500 to 3,500 people diagnosed with it at an early age
The drug, Aimovig, made by Amgen and Novartis, is a monthly injection with a device similar to an insulin pen. Aimovig blocks a protein fragment, CGRP, that instigates and perpetuates migraines
India must look beyond improving diagnosis and treatment and attack the many factors that are driving tuberculosis
More than a billion people around the world need eyeglasses but don't have them, researchers say
The study, published in the journal Circulation, is not a prescription for a specific type or amount of exercise
The study noted that the therapy is promising and can be delivered in an outpatient setting
The government released a draft Bill termed Digital Information Security in Healthcare Bill, which seeks to give powers to citizens about their health data and pushes for penalties on misuse
Osteopenia is a condition in which bone mineral density is lower than normal
Anorexia or Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that affects 1 to 2% of women. This disease mainly affects girls from 12 to 20 years old, but can appear as early as 9 or 10 years old.
The ageing cyclists had almost as many new T cells in their blood as did the young people
Researchers found that people with low grip strength had weaker hearts that were less able to pump blood
One type of neuron, called inhibitory interneuron, is particularly important for managing brain rhythms