As per estimations of World Health Organization (WHO) unless urgent steps are taken to diagnose and respond to diabetes early, diabetes related deaths will double in the next ten years.
The study also examined how the body tries to protect itself against damage caused by alcohol
Winter brings with it many viruses and changes that may bring the body under strain. This may then lead to lack of energy and motivation and even exhaustion.
Bronchitis is characterized by inflammation of the bronchi which is the main passageway into the lungs. The disease most often results from a viral infection, and sometimes bacterial too.
Oily skin in individuals is the result of excessive secretion of sebum by the sebaceous glands.
Cold Sore, also known as herpes labialis is caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). It is a viral infection that mostly affects the mouth and the lips, the term labia means lips.
Ichthyosis is a chronic skin disease that is characterized by thick, dry and rough patches on the skin.
With winters, there come many common infections such as flu, cold, sore throat, bronchitis and more.
Gastroenteritis is quite a common disorder especially during winters and children and babies are the most at risk. The bout of gastroenteritis can last between 24 hours to 10 days.
During winters there is a spike in various diseases such as colds, bronchitis, flu, gastroenteritis and others.
Children aged 6-9 months were randomly assigned to be given one egg per day for six months, versus a control group, which did not receive eggs
They examined five types of families with various combinations of biological or adoptive offspring
People who sit for more than about nine or 10 hours each are prone to developing diabetes
This study suggests even that 10 minutes of aerobic activity can prime the parts of the brain that help us focus
Sitting cross-legged for several hours can lead to prolonged compression of the peroneal nerve
Energy drinks are called so because they provide an instantaneous improvement in stamina, energy levels, alertness and ability to focus due to caffeine
These feeling of nausea and vomiting are more prominent in the mornings and in the presence of certain odors or during certain movements.
They are 2 years old, but developmentally they are 6 months old; some can't see, walk or talk
The participants were able to make any type of art they wished, whether it involved colouring, sketching, doodling, or working with modelling clay
You may also take help from a dietician or nutritionist to help figure out the best diet plan for your body