The liver filters the blood and eliminates waste which is produced in different areas of the body. It also assimilates the indigested carbohydrates and turns them in to energy.
The benefits of spending time in morning sun are many, the primary one being stimulation of Vitamin D in the body. Other benefits being improved energy levels, better body functions and many more.
Bad breath also known as halitosis is commonly caused by two reasons which are odour-causing bacteria and dry mouth, there may also be some other reasons too.
Bipolar Disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness is characterized by extreme swings in mood, energy and activity levels and more.
Constipation affects one in five individuals; in women the condition is more prevalent.
It is an inflammatory skin disease that can affect different parts of the body such as elbow, knees, scalp and more.
The device, called GPhone, is a new proof-of-concept portable glucose sensing system
In 2015, an estimated three million adolescents aged 12 to 17 in the U S had experienced at least one major depressive episode in the past year
Researchers from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark said the risk of breast cancer was higher among women who recently used contemporary hormonal contraceptives
Physiotherapy is the healing of an injury, disease, or deformity by physical methods such as heat treatment, soft tissue mobilisation (muscle relaxation) and exercise
Menopause meaning stopping of menstruation is a natural phenomenon which begins in women around the age of 40 - 50 years.
Every individual who comes in contact with the toxic air of the cities must take preventive measures against the chronic disease
There are many myths also that are being propagated related to health benefits or eating food raw and cooked food too.
Yoga has remarkable positive impact on both physical as well as mental health.
Cigarette smoke consists of tars, toxic gases and heavy metals which are very harmful for health.
Artificial Sweeteners have been promoted as a healthy option to use instead of sugar especially for calorie conscious and diabetic people.
Common cold which is also called acute viral rhinopharyngitis is a viral infectious disease.
Phobia or irrational fear of things can be classified as an anxiety disorder.
Acai berries have been advertised as a natural and healthy way of losing weight.
The drug comes as a big relief to more than 127 million people suffering from chronic migraine