Nationwide roll-out needs meticulous planning
Telcos should rationalise tariffs and increase investment
Sharp earnings revival will ease valuations
It could affect productivity and long-term growth
P&SB's zero-coupon bonds violate prudent accounting practices
Policy should focus on emission reduction, not just EVs
Govt and RBI should fix potential policy risks to inflation
Unauthorised lending apps must be stopped
PLI schemes have already set off the expected lobbying
Boris Johnson's visit could be an opportunity for India
India might lose yet another growth opportunity
Apple's new update will affect Facebook's revenue
States will be forced to pay attention to farmer needs
Patrol vessels must have adequate combat capabilities
Govt must move on, accept retro tax arbitration awards
Revenue-sharing mechanism can provide a lasting solution
Lessons from the controversy over unpaid workers
Govt should not have extended suspension of bankruptcy work
India will need to track and anticipate developments
India has been spared the worst, but efforts must continue