Jail term for CSR law violation is a retrograde step
Sebi has taken the right call on merger of mutual fund schemes
There is no merit in Sebi's about-turn on loan default directive
Centre's guidelines on charging infrastructure are welcome
EV move will backfire if the industry doesn't get transition time
Electric vehicles alone may not be the best answer to pollution
Reservoirs are still not adequately restocked
RBI alone will not be able drive economic recovery
National Park tourism must evolve beyond the tiger
A new cure should not make health care suffer more
CAG raises valid issues on revenue system inadequacies
Tide of bad news has spooked the market
Parliament disappointed in 2017 despite the passage of key bills
PMFBY fails to live up to the hype
New ECB norms can make India more vulnerable to external shocks
Centres to house illegal migrants is a bad idea
More monetary accommodation can lead to higher risks
Farming needs to be made profitable
Finance Commission should not carve out a separate fund
New questions arise about privacy breaches, data misuse