Union Minister of Law and Justice Kiren Rijiju remembered sprint legend Milkha Singh after India won its first gold in athletics through Neeraj Chopra in Javelin throw at the Tokyo Olympics."I'm in tears while posting this video. This is dedicated to you respected Milkha Singh Ji. I wish you had lived atleast till Tokyo Olympics to witness this fulfilling & special moment," Rijiju wrote on Twitter while sharing a video of Milkha Singh expressing his wish to see India win an athletics gold.In the video posted by the former Sports Minister, Milkha Singh could be heard saying: "It's my last wish to see someone, man or woman to win a gold in athletics for India at Olympics. And to see the tricolor at the top, and hear the national anthem will make me happy."Milkha Singh passed away on June 18 at the age of 91.The 23-year-old Neeraj Chopra created history on Saturday as he became the first from the country to win a gold in track and field in the Olympics. He threw a distance of ...
Javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra on Sunday said that he is still processing the feeling of winning gold for India at the ongoing Tokyo Olympics."Still processing this feeling. To all of India and beyond, thank you so much for your support and blessings that have helped me reach this stage. This moment will live with me forever," tweeted Chopra.Neeraj Chopra on Saturday threw the javelin to a distance of 87.58m to pick the gold at the Olympics. He began his quest for a medal with a massive throw of 87.03 meters and was leading the pack after the end of the first attempt. He bettered it with the second throw of 87.58m.While Neeraj wasn't able to improve any further, it was enough to get him the coveted medal. He is now the second Indian after Abhinav Bindra to win a gold medal in individual events.Neeraj had then said that he wants to dedicate his medal at the Tokyo Olympics to track and field legends Milkha Singh and PT Usha. Milkha Singh, who passed away earlier this year, always had ...
Bajrang had skipped the Poland Open, last ranking event before Games, arguing that he needed training more than the points and headed to Russia, where he trained, also injured his right knee
With Indian men's hockey team bagging a bronze at the Tokyo Olympics, achieving an Olympic medal in hockey after 41 years, IANS takes a look at popular Hindi films made on this sport in recent times.
India''s campaign at the Olympic Games was as much a story of human resilience as of sporting excellence and it came to the fore on the opening day of competitions itself starting with Mirabai Chanu.
Edtech major Byju's on Sunday announced a Rs 2 crore cash reward for Olympic gold medallist Neeraj Chopra. The company, which is backed by marquee investors like Tiger Global and General Atlantic, will also offer Rs 1 crore each to Mirabai Chanu, Ravi Kumar Dahiya, Lovlina Borgohain, P V Sindhu and Bajrang Punia. "The accomplishments and the stellar achievement of India's sports heroes at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics have been nothing but inspirational, despite the challenges posed by COVID-19 lockdown in 2020-21," according to a statement. Not only have each of these atheletes made the country proud but have also ignited hope and aspiration that India can create many more Olympic champions in the future, it added. India's star athlete Neeraj Chopra created history on Saturday bringing home the country's first-ever gold medal in javelin throw in Tokyo Olympics 2020. Chopra produced a second round throw of 87.58 metres in the finals at the Tokyo Games to claim the country's first ...
Bajrang Punia stated that no one gets more disappointed than an athlete after losing a game. The Indian wrestler bagged bronze through repechage in the men's freestyle 65 kg category.
India's ace fast bowler Jasprit Bumrah congratulated javelin Olympic Champion Neeraj Chopra after he became the first Indian to win gold in athletics at ongoing Tokyo 2020.
Indian Premier League franchise will be honouring Neeraj Chopra as the javelin thrower won a gold medal at the ongoing Tokyo Olympics
Tokyo on Saturday reported 4,566 Covid-19 cases amid the ongoing Summer Olympics 2020 in the city
Neeraj Chopra's first throw of 87.58 was enough for him to earn a gold medal in the javelin throw final
The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) Secretary Jay Shah on Saturday announced a Rs 1 crore cash reward for star javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra after his historic gold medal-winning feat in the ongoing Tokyo Olympics.Jay Shah also announced that Indian athletes Mirabai Chanu and Ravi Dahiya who have won silver medals in the Games will get Rs 50 lakh each from BCCI.The governing body of cricket will give Rs 25 lakh each to bronze medal winners -- shuttler PV Sindhu, boxer Lovlina Borgohain and wrestler Bajrang Punia.Also, the Indian men's hockey team will get Rs 1.25 crore for their sensational show which saw them claiming a medal after 41 years in the sport."INR 1 Cr. - First place medal medallist@Neeraj_chopra1 50 lakh each - Second place medal medallists @mirabai_chanu & Ravi Kumar Dahiya 25 lakh each - Third place medal medallists @Pvsindhu1, @LovlinaBorgohai.@BajrangPunia INR 1.25 Cr. -@TheHockeyIndia men's team @SGanguly99, @ThakurArunS @ShuklaRajiv," Jay Shah ...
The star athlete from Panipat district in Haryana created history after he clinched the gold in javelin throw with an attempt of 87.58 metres
Chopra has been a consistent performer since bursting into spotlight with a historic gold in the junior world championships in 2016 with an Under-20 world record of 86.48m which still stands
"It feels unbelievable. It is the first time India has won a gold in athletics, so I feel very good. We have just one gold here in other sports," the 23-year-old said
The 23-year-old farmer's son from Khandra village near Panipat in Haryana produced a second round throw of 87.58m in the finals to stun the athletics world
Chopra on Saturday became only the second Indian to win an individual gold in the Olympics
If his defence let him down in the semifinal against Hazi Aliev, Bajrang's smart attacking moves made him a 8-0 winner against Kazakhstan's Niyazbekov
They say fourth is the worst place to finish in the Olympics. If last is the most embarrassing, fourth is the most painful
Ashok narrowly missed out on an Olympic medal