Aam Aadmi Party MLA Raghav Chadha on Monday said that the party has received notice from Enforcement Directorate (ED).Chadha tweeted, "In a first, AAP receives a love letter from Modi Government's favorite agency - the Enforcement Directorate."The AAP national spokesperson said that he will hold a press conference today to expose the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)."I will address an important press conference today, 1:30 pm at AAP Headquarters in Delhi - to expose the political witch hunt of AAP by a rattled BJP," his tweet continued.
Kejriwal said he did not wish people to recognise AAP as a party like the the BJP and the Congress, and asked partymen to give up their aspirations for posts and tickets.
Punjab is likely to witness a hung Assembly, with AAP emerging as the single largest party in the state in the 2022 state polls, as per the ABP-CVoter-IANS opinion poll.
The AAP will contest elections on all 403 assembly seats of Uttar Pradesh during polls next year and not enter into an alliance with any outfit, party leader Sanjay Singh said on Wednesday.
The AAP Monday promised quality health services to the people of Uttarakhand free of cost if the party comes to power in the state
Ahead of assembly polls in Uttar Pradesh, the AAP will take out a Tiranga Yatras in Ayodhya, Lucknow and Noida to mark the 75th year of India's Independence, party leaders said. In Ayodhya, party sources said the yatra will make a brief halt at the Ram temple. The yatra is scheduled for mid-September. The AAP will also hold Tiranga Yatras in Agra on Sunday and Noida on September 1, AAP leader Sanjay Singh said. Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia will participate in these yatras. Party leaders said as the country is marking the 75th year of Independence, the yatra aims to unite people against the politics of casteism and corruption. Assembly polls are scheduled to be held in Uttar Pradesh next year. The AAP has announced its plan to contest polls in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Goa, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat.
Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday announced that actor Sonu Sood will be the brand ambassador of the Delhi government's 'Desh Ke Mentors' program that will be launched soon.
Delhi CM and AAP national convenor Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday announced that retired Army man Ajay Kothiyal will be the party's chief ministerial candidate in the 2022 Uttarakhand Assembly polls.
Delhi CM and AAP national convenor Arvind Kejriwal said his party will make a very important announcement for Uttarakhand on August 17 that will prove to be a milestone in the state's development
A Delhi court discharged Arvind Kejriwal, Manish Sisodia and nine other AAP MLAs in a case related to the alleged assault on the then chief secretary Anshu Prakash in 2018
Kejriwal said the International Baccalaureate board is present all over the world and that it is every parent's dream to send their children to IB-affiliated schools.
In 2017 Goa Assembly polls, the AAP had drawn a blank.
The ruling Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) did not comment on the charge levelled by the BJP.
In supporting Mr Sidhu in Punjab, the Congress has created more confusion over what it stands for
Arvind Kejriwal assured justice in a matter related to the demolition of a church in Chattarpur area of Delhi saying the action was taken by the DDA which comes under the Central government
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said each family in Goa will get up to 300 units electricity free per month if his Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is voted to power in the state Assembly elections
Hussain is seeking bail in two cases lodged by Delhi Police against him in connection with the Northeast Delhi riots of 2020.
The promises by AAP, trying to expand its powers beyond Delhi, are similar to those it had assured Delhiites.
The police used water cannons to disperse Delhi BJP leaders and workers as they tried to cut the water connection to Delhi Jal Board chairman (DJB) Satyendar Jain's
Aam Aadmi Party leader Sanjay Singh on Saturday said his party has yet not taken a call on contesting the next year's Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections in alliance.