Air India on Wednesday announced that it will start operating additional flights from New Delhi to Sydney between October 10 and 14, amid the central government's 'Unlock 5' phase."Air India will operate additional flights from Delhi to Sydney between 10th & 14th October 2020," tweeted Air India.The airline mentioned that limited seats would be available due to the COVID-19 restrictions enforced by the Australian authorities."Limited seats available due to quarantine restrictions by Australian Authorities. Booking will open today at 1600 hrs (IST) through AI Website, Booking Offices and Call Centre," it said in the tweet.All scheduled commercial passenger flights were suspended in India on March 25 after the central government imposed a lockdown to contain the spread of COVID-19.Domestic flights in the country resumed operations from May 25 in a gradual manner.
In response to queries sent by the PTI, the BMVI stated it and the Indian Ministry of Civil Aviation are "confirmed to hold bilateral talks on October 6 through video conference"
The latest cancellations follow a disagreement between Indian and German governments over air traffic services between the two countries
The government officials said Thursday the airline has cancelled 10 Delhi-Frankfurt flights and two Bengaluru-Frankfurt flights that were scheduled till October 14
Confidence that aircraft can be safely boarded is slowly returning
The InvIT structure will help the fund to encourage institutional investors to participate in Air India's growth story once its privatisation is over
Faced with their worst crisis and without any financial assistance from the government, the viability of the Indian aviation and tourism industry is in peril
Passengers from India can arrive in Hong Kong only if they have a Covid-19 negative certificate from a test done within 72 hours prior to the journey
In August, Hong Kong had banned Air India for two weeks for a similar lapse
Debt-free airline is a good opportunity to invest, say prospective buyers
Seven of Air India's narrow-body aircraft have been leased from Ireland-based special purpose vehicles (SPVs) of Chinese companies, Civil Aviation Minister Hardeep Singh Puri said on Thursday.
Air India has incurred a net loss of about Rs 2,570 crore in the first quarter of 2020-21 as compared to a net loss of Rs 785 crore sustained in the year ago period, Civil Aviation Minister said
Air India earned a revenue of Rs 2556.60 crore from flights that have been operated under the Vande Bharat mission till August 31, Civil Aviation Minister Hardeep Singh Puri said
Airline has Rs 23,286-cr debt; GoM likely to take a decision on the proposal in two weeks
Despite the losses, the airline has some lucrative assets which include prized slots at London's choked Heathrow airport, a fleet of more than 100 planes and thousands of trained pilots and crew
Fifty-five passengers, mostly Indians wanting to return homes, boarded the flight back to Delhi, officials of the Indian embassy here, who coordinated the flight, told PTI
Air India has decided not to go ahead with the recruitment exercise of trainee pilots due to the bleak scenario in the aviation industry and the critical financial condition of the company
The Hansen collection, being auctioned by Sotheby's, includes Gaitonde, Ram Kumar and Krishen Khanna
The flights between the two cities were suspended in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic
The national carrier clarified it was not affected by the July 2019 decision of the US Department of Transportation (USDOT) to suspend the right of Air India to self-handle at the US airports