Let's take stock of what we have done and what needs to be done for the right to clean air
According to the study, hotter temperatures speed up the chemical reactions
The findings came after two months of inspections across 28 cities
Asked schools to take "proper steps" to educate students on the need for improvement of air quality
Europe's emissions alone caused reductions of up to 10% in north-west, south-west regions: Study
Chemical constituents of PM2.5 air pollution known to have endocrine disrupting properties
What is required is political will to wield legal authority
Dave said National Air Quality Index transforms data of various pollutants into single number
Air pollution may raise potential of bacteria to cause respiratory infections
India reported the worst deaths-per-population ratio: 135 dead per 100,000 people.
Patna and New Delhi are found to be the worst polluted cities of the world for PM 2.5 levels
India is close to displacing China as the nation where most people die of air pollution
India has witnessed a 150% rise in lives lost over the past two decades from ozone pollutants
air pollution caused more than 4.2 million early deaths worldwide in 2015, making it the fifth highest cause of death
At least 3,000 pre-mature deaths take place annually in Delhi due to air pollution
Monitoring means inhabitants cannot check current pollution levels to protect themselves
13 Indian cities, including capital Delhi, figures among the world's top 20 most polluted cities
It added that only a few South Indian cites like Warangal, meet the NAAQ standards
The matter is now listed for next hearing on January 27
In India, a study found that 41 Indian cities of more than a million people faced bad air quality on nearly 60% of the total days monitored