The BJP in Andhra Pradesh has promised to offer liquor at Rs 50 per bottle, besides several initiatives, if voted to power in 2024 Assembly polls. In a public meeting held on Tuesday, BJP Chief Somu Veeraju, lashing out at Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy-led YSR Congress government and opposition Telugu Desam Party, Veerraju said the political forces in the state failed to develop the state despite the abundant resources and long sea coast it has. I am telling you that one crore people are drinking ( alcohol) in the state. All of you people vote for BJP, we will offer you cheap liquor at Rs 75. If the revenues are good we will even supply at just Rs 50, (not bad liquor), definitely a good one, Veerraju said indirectly pointing to high prices of liquor in the state. Referring to some of the state government Direct Benefit Transfer schemes, the BJP leader said on an average a person consumes liquor for about Rs 12000 per month and Jagan Mohan Reddy is collecting all that amount an
Sun Pharma is the fourth largest specialty generic pharmaceutical company in the world
Andhra Pradesh on Sunday reported two more cases of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, taking the tally to six
As many as 62 samples from AP have been sent to the CCMB for genome sequencing
The CJI, who received a grand welcome from the villagers and the district administration, offered prayers at the local temple
Andhra Pradesh on Friday reported two more positive case of Omicron variant of COVID-19 taking the tally of the new strain to four.
The total number of active cases in Andhra Pradesh stood at 1,326
Agricultural lands, fish ponds, commercial sites, plots and flats of Rebba Satyanarayana located in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana have been provisionally attached under PMLA
Complaints have been received against 18 FCRA-registered NGOs in Andhra Pradesh regarding their alleged indulgence in conversion to Christianity through "inducements, allurement and misrepresentation" since 2018, Union Minister Nityanand Rai said in Lok Sabha on Tuesday. The minister said the Foreign Contribution Registration Act (FCRA), 2010, provides a legal mechanism to deal with violation of its provisions. He said such mechanisms include audit of accounts of such NGO, inspection of their accounts and records, and verification of their on-field activities and so on. "The FCRA certificate of such NGOs may be suspended depending upon the facts and circumstances of the case. Such violations may also lead to cancellation of the certificate," he said in written response to a question. Rai said some cases where violations of the FCRA so warrant, the matter may be investigated as provided under various sections of the FCRA. Accordingly, appropriate action has been initiated in respec
The Andhra Pradesh government has given Rs 1.16 trn to people through Direct Benefit Transfer under various schemes during the past 30 months, Chief Minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy said
The Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly last month passed a Bill to repeal An Act that was intended to establish three capitals for the state
National Thermal Power Corporation Limited (NTPC) has awarded a standalone fuel-cell based Green Hydrogen Microgrid Project at Simhadri in Andhra Pradesh, informed the Ministry of Power on Wednesday.
Actor-turned-politician and YSRCP MLA Roja Selvamani and TDP senior leader and former Finance Minister Yanamala Ramakrishnudu were on board in the flight
The court passed the orders on a petition filed by cinema theatre owners
A 40-year-old man from Nagpur, who arrived from South Africa on December 5, was found to be infected with Omicron
Chandigarh health department appealed to the public to follow Covid appropriate behaviour and urged those eligible to get themselves vaccinated soon
Teja was serving as a personal security officer to the CDS General Bipin Rawat
In 2019-20 financial year, the state suffered a revenue loss of Rs 8,000 crore and in 2020-21 another Rs 14,000 crore
Saudi Arabia has given the cyclone its name 'Jawad' -- the liberal or merciful
Telangana chief minister K. Chandrashekhar Rao expressed his condolences, and remembered Rosaiah as one of the "leaders who brought many laurels to the posts he had held, such as the finance ministry