Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) on Tuesday said its total sales declined by 52 per cent to 17,447 units in May as compared with April this year on account of lockdown in various states. The Mumbai-based auto major had dispatched 36,437 units to dealers in March this year. Passenger vehicle sales in the domestic market stood at 8,004 units last month, down 56 per cent from 18,285 units in April 2021. Commercial vehicles sales declined by 53 per cent to 7,508 units in May as against 16,147 units in April this year. The company said its exports last month stood at 1,935 units in May as compared with 2,005 units in April. "We are seeing a strong growth momentum for our entire product portfolio. The Thar is clocking robust bookings, despite extended waiting periods. XUV300 has been a tremendous success and continues to see strong demand," M&M Chief Executive Officer Automotive Division Veejay Nakra said. With the cases coming down and gradual opening up of markets, the company ...
Salary support, group insurance for Covid-19, credit period for vehicles in stock are some of the support packages Daimler India Commercial Vehicles (DICV) offer for its dealers
Tata Motors on Tuesday said its total domestic sales declined by 38 per cent to 24,552 units in May as compared to 39,530 vehicles in April this year
The Centre has exempted Battery Operated Vehicles from payment of fees for the purpose of issue or renewal of Registration Certificate and assignment of new registration mark
TVS Motor Company on Monday said it will launch two new products in Iraq as part of its expansion plan in that country
The Indian Auto LPG Coalition, the apex body of Auto LPG stakeholders, sees conversion of existing vehicles as key to improving the air quality
The move is expected to result in a 50% reduction in models powered by fossil fuels
Sharp increase in Covid-19 vaccination led pharma demand as well as expected healthy growth in end-user sectors is expected to drive revenue growth of glass makers, says ratings agency Crisil
Automobile and financial stocks dominate the list of companies where analysts have scaled back their earnings estimates for FY22
The recovery is likely to go on a downward trajectory with a drop of 30-40% as many states like Maharashtra, Delhi and Karnataka, among other states, go into lockdown, says the consulting firm
The country announced it would regulate the use of self-driving vehicles at slow speeds on motorways, with the first such cars possibly appearing on public roads as soon as this year
The company expects to build a strong balance sheet in digital business unit which will not just add to the growth of M&M Finance but also help to retain existing customers
There are still very few electrified vehicles on the roads in large markets like Russia, South America and Africa
Firm says shutdown is due to massive and unrestrained spread of Covid-19 across the country
Strong acceptance of e-commerce and digitisation is expected to accelerate the growth of India's auto sector, advisory firm Grant Thornton Bharat said
Given India's reliance on coal, electric vehicles could at best be 10% more efficient than petrol in terms of CO2 savings, show BS calculations. Petrol cars more environment-friendly in some states
While overall two-wheelers sales are down, what is hurting Hero MotoCorp is that the slowdown is impacting the entry and executive segments the most
One of the key reasons that Wabco India would rank higher compared to other auto component firms is the lower impact from new technology disruption
'The highest monthly sales achieved in March 2021 are very encouraging with momentum continuing for our product lines', said the chairman
Total passenger vehicle sales last month stood at 29,654 units. The company had sold 5,676 units in March 2020