Markets regulator Sebi on Tuesday ordered attachment of bank accounts as well as shares and mutual fund holdings of an individual to recover dues totalling around Rs 1.13 crore.
Net daily liquidity absorbed from banks on July 9 was Rs 4.6 trillion, data released on Monday showed
Startup provides enterprise solutions for banks and financial services companies, has offices in 11 countries
Enterprises typically reach the feat at series C or series D, or three to four funding rounds later
… are far-reaching social changes coming with it?
NBFCs can give dividend only if accounts are clean, NPAs not hidden, and are below 6 per cent for the last three years
In an exclusive interview with Business Standard, Jaspal Bindra, executive chairman of Centrum group said it has committed Rs 1,800 cr capital to the SFB, Rs 900 cr of which will come in first year
There were five factors that helped banks contain bad loans in a pandemic year
Here are the best of Business Standard's opinion pieces for Monday
Credit losses are set to fall across most Asia Pacific banking systems over the next two years, S & P Global Ratings said on Tuesday.This is partly because targeted assistance to stretched borrowers will likely continue in many places until pandemic-related challenges substantially abate."Asia Pacific banks should safely avoid a 'cliff effect' even as extensive relief measures are progressively removed," said S & P Global Ratings credit analyst Sharad Jain.Moratoriums on loan repayments -- together with fiscal, monetary and policy support -- have helped cushion the blow to borrowers in Asia Pacific from the Covid-19 outbreak and containment measures.Repayment moratoriums have fallen to less than 5 per cent of system loans for a number of Asia Pacific countries compared with between 6 and 80 per cent at the height of pandemic.S & P forecast credit losses for the 12 larger banking systems in Asia-Pacific: Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New ...
A big step by SC in allowing banks to chase personal guarantors
Fall in Covid-19 cases, prospect of economy normalising in near term lift indices for a second day
Bank of Baroda is looking to hire three digital marketing agencies to strengthen its brand, aiming to be a preferred choice of customers with innovative banking models
Banks feel happy shifting their toxic assets from loan books to investment books, while the ARCs are enjoying the management fees with a smile. Let's break the cosy relationship
Starting a fixed deposit may make a bank more willing to offer you a credit card
It would seek directions from a Supreme Court panel formed to expedite the pendency of cheque bounce cases before taking a final call
Faster-than-expected recovery in the US economy and the resultant tapering of stimulus by the US Federal Reserve could potentially affect risk sentiment and impact flows to emerging markets like India
With 469.84 mn transactions in March it is ahead of the country's largest lender SBI and private lenders such as Yes Bank, ICICI Bank, Axis Bank and HDFC Bank
Here's a selection of Business Standard opinion pieces for the day