AAP's Punjab MP Bhagwant Mann claimed on Friday that his party legislators tried to reach out to Prime Minister Narendra Modi after a function in Parliament but he did not listen to them. Prime Minister Modi, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla, Union ministers and parliamentarians on Friday paid floral tributes to Madan Mohan Malaviya and former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee in the Central Hall of Parliament on their birth anniversary. Prime Minister Modi also released a book, "Atal Bihari Vajpayee: A Commemorative Volume", to mark the occasion. Soon after the book release, as the prime minister was about to leave the venue, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) members Sanjay Singh and Mann raised slogans, demanding the repeal of the Centre's contentious farm laws. Modi was speaking with the Leader of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha, Ghulam Nabi Azad, and the leader of the Congress Party in the Lok Sabha, Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury, at that moment. Addressing a press conference, Mann said AAP MPs raised slogans
Why the Badal family continues to enjoy the state police cover when it has been withdrawn from Congress Rajya Sabha MP Partap Singh Bajwa, AAP chief Bhagwant asked the Punjab government on Sunday.
Mann has been a strident critic of Modi, openly mocking him in public rallies
The House approved a motion put by BJP MP Kirit Somaiya
The resolution has been adopted after the parliamentary committee recommended Mann's suspension
The AAP leader was being probed for posting a video footage of the Parliament on a social media site
Committee, headed by BJP's Kirit Somaiya, have to finalise a draft report after Mann tendered an unconditional apology
He was found guilty by MPs' panel for breaching Parliament security in mobile video
Mann had stirred a controversy by live-streaming the security arrangements at Parliament complex on social media
Aam Aadmi Party Member of Parliament Bhagwant Mann called a press conference. TV cameras and reporters turned up in large numbers and began setting up their equipment. When the conference began, an already frazzled Mann was - not unnaturally - asked some tough questions. Finally, irritated he declared, "Get all these press people out of my press conference." A press conference without press people?
A journalist working with a Hindi newspaper has lodged the FIR
A defiant Mann has maintained that he did no wrong and his intention was to make people aware of the parliamentary procedures
Mann said he is being 'stopped from raising the voice of people including those of poor and Dalits'
Maheish Girri wrote that Mann should be sent on a rehab centre for drugs/alcohol deaddiction on Lok Sabha expenditure
Earlier, he was asked to submit his explanation to the committee by Tuesday morning
There was uproar in the Parliament over the video made by Mann and MPs called for strict action against him
The AAP lawmaker drew flak from all the political corners after a video of him shooting the Parliament check posts had emerged
Mann drew flak from all the political corners after a video of him shooting the Parliament check posts had emerged
With reference to Archis Mohan's report, "Mann affair casts shadow on Bills business" (July 23), Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Lok Sabha member Bhagwant Mann's act of posting a video recording of security arrangements in Parliament on social media may have far-reaching effects.Due to Mann's thoughtless act, Rajya Sabha was adjourned and Lok Sabha proceedings were also halted, hampering scheduled business in both the Houses.Perhaps, the biggest loser was the government's effort to build consensus with the Congress on the Goods and Services Tax Constitution Amendment Bill.It is unfortunate that the AAP is accusing the Bharatiya Janata Party of using the Mann issue to deflect the matter of attacks on Dalits in Gujarat. Why does the AAP try to find fault with others and project itself as a victim of circumstances?S Kumar New DelhiLetters can be mailed, faxed or e-mailed to:The Editor, Business StandardNehru House, 4 Bahadur Shah Zafar MargNew Delhi 110 002Fax: (011) 23720201E-mail: letters@bsmai
AAP member Bhagwant Mann on Friday tendered an unconditional apology he put up a video recording of Parliament's security arrangements on Facebook