Markets regulator Sebi on Wednesday imposed a total fine of Rs 14 lakh on Biocon Ltd and its designated person for violation of market norms. Designated person of the firm, Narendra Chirmule, who was employed with the company as senior vice president-R&D is facing a fine of Rs 5 lakh for trading in the company's securities when the trading window was closed. By doing so, he violated provisions of Prohibition of Insider Trading (PIT) norms. Sebi noted that the trading window was closed by the compliance officer of Biocon from January 1-26, 2019 on account of declaration of quarterly financial results of the company for the quarter ended December 31, 2018, which were announced on January 24, 2019. In accordance with market norms, the company has to notify the particulars of the trading details of the promoter / member of the promoter group /designated person /director, if the value of the securities traded is in excess of Rs 10 lakh, to the stock exchange within 2 trading days of ...
Biocon Executive Chairman Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw has expressed concern over shortage of Covid-19 vaccines and sought better transparency from the government.
The unprecedented spike in coronavirus cases to the recent state elections and religious festivals in the country, says Kiran Mazumdar Shaw
Biocon founder Kiran Mazumdar Shaw attributed the unprecedented spike in coronavirus cases to the recent state elections and religious festivals in the country
Analysts expect ramp-up in biosimilars to be gradual
The Biocon founder and Executive Chairperson points out that drugs like Remdesivir should be allowed at home as an emergency step
Biocon has reported 86.29% jump in consolidated profit to Rs 296.4 crore for the quarter ended March 31, 2021
Nifty index can witness profit booking only if it breaks level of 14,800
The favorable indication from the pharma index is added positive for Biocon's stock
Biotechnology major Biocon on Monday said its subsidiary has joined hands with Libbs Farmaceutica to launch generic drugs in Brazil, the world's sixth most populous country.
RSI Indicator has given 'buy' signals on Biocon and VIP Industries' stocks
She further said, "Covid Vaccine Jab Capped At Rs 250 At Private Hospitals: Government - understand vaccine cos (sic) feel betrayed as price is too low to sustain"
IRFC has sold $750 million worth of dollar-denominated bonds to overseas investors priced at a coupon of just 2.80 per cent per annum
Biocon Biologics is an arm of biotechnology major Biocon
From its previous close of Rs 441.95 apiece on Thursday, the stock closed 10.89 per cent or Rs 48.15 lower at Rs 393.80, on Friday
Shares of Reliance Industries ended 2.4 per cent lower on Friday ahead of the announcement of its December quarter results. The shares have surged around 6 per cent during the week
Analysts have raised doubts over the $1 billion guidance for biosimilars by FY22 and Hamacher's exit due to "professional differences"
Due to professional differences with the chairperson on strategic priorities and the vision for the company, Dr Christiane Hamacher has stepped down as the MD of Biocon Biologics
SBI Cards and Payment Services reported nearly 52 per cent dip in its net profit to Rs 210 crore in the third quarter ended December 2020
Biocon's consolidated revenue for Q3 of FY21 increased by 7.20 per cent at Rs 1878.9 crore as against Rs 1752.6 crore for the said quarter last year