Cryptocurrency portfolio tracking and tax compliance platform CoinTracker on Wednesday announced its foray into the Indian market. The company's move also comes against the backdrop of the government mandating a 30 per cent taxation on such transactions with effect from April 1. Starting today, the crypto tax compliance and portfolio tracking products will be available to all crypto users across India, it said, while announcing the launch of its product in the country. CoinTracker said users in India can now deal in crypto assets without worrying about the challenges associated with tracking, reconciliation, accounting and compliance. "It can be challenging for folks to navigate the complexity of buying, holding and transacting with cryptocurrency and nearly impossible to comply with taxes without the right tool. We built CoinTracker to solve this problem seamlessly and are excited to deliver our offering in India. "We plan to rapidly expand our integrations and partnerships with
The global crypto mayhem last week wiped out Bitcoin worth $3.5 billion -- created to defend and support the TerraUSD (UST) stablecoin which saw a total crash
As Bitcoin hovers in the range of $38,000-$40,000 per digital coin, billionaire Warren Buffett has said that he will not even pay $25 for all the Bitcoin in the world.
The largest token fell as much as 8.5% to $34,337 after Vladimir Putin's push to demilitarise Ukraine started with a barrage of missile attacks on Thursday
The hashrate, or combined computational power used by bitcoin miners globally, has roughly quadrupled over the past six months to blow past 200 million "terahashes" per second
Dogecoin, launched in 2013 as a bitcoin spinoff, soared over 12,000 per cent to an all-time high in May before slumping almost 80 per cent by mid-December
Bitcoin rose as much as 4.4 per cent to $50,101 in New York trading on Friday
Bitcoin plunged 5.5% to $53,435.9 at 22:04 GMT on Friday, losing $3,112.06 from its previous close.
The leading cryptocurrency has added more than $3,000 to its value today
Fund rises as much as 5.4% on debut; over 12 million shares change hands
Bitcoin rose 7.11% to $55,162.92 at 20:01 GMT on Wednesday, adding $3,661.73 to its previous close.
Ether increased as much as 6.9% to $3,145, gaining for a fourth day amid the Ethereum network's London upgrade, which reduces the pace of growth in the coins
Bitcoin's price surged again on Monday after speculation that Amazon may be entering the cryptocurrency sector after it posted a job seeking for a product leader to develop its digital currency
As lobbying and counter-lobbying intensify, right now, it looks like a T20 match. We need to wait till the last over is bowled
Other investments require even greater leaps of faith. You can do a lot worse than Bitcoin.
If the mega cryptocurrency has left you nervous, hold your nerves as there is a silver lining in the mayhem the crypto asset class experienced last week
Business Standard brings you the top headlines this evening
Bitcoin, the biggest and most popular cryptocurrency, rose 8.75 per cent to touch $40,000, after plunging 14 per cent on Wednesday to its lowest since late January.
The cryptocurrency has tumbled 40 per cent from a record high of $64,895 hit on April 14. It is also heading for its first monthly decline since November 2018.
Crypto believers are dueling with skeptics: the former see an asset being embraced for its ability to hedge risks, while the latter sense a precarious mania riding atop waves of fiscal stimulus