The government provided Rs 16,091 crore to PNB and Rs 1,666 crore to United Bank of India in September for enhancing the capital base of these two lenders
According to ICRA's estimates, Rs 93,669 crore of AT-I bonds are outstanding as of now
Investors include armed force veterans, govt employees, IT sector staff
The bonds were subscribed by investors from across the globe
First government company to issue bonds with more than 10 years tenure
While there are tentative signs of recovery in certain areas of the shadow bank sector, a funding squeeze has kept borrowing costs high
The base size of the issue is Rs 200 crore with an option to retain oversubscription aggregating up to Rs 1,000 crore
The lender has issued 15,000 redeemable Basel III compliant Tier II bonds in the nature of debenture of Rs 10 lakh each, it said
Piramal Enterprises said the money can be raised in one or more tranches from time to time.
Both three-year and ten-year series received bids in excess of the base issue size
If the central bank made it a one-off exercise, then the yields should climb back, the bond dealers said
The Reserve Bank of India will buy 100 billion rupees ($1.4 billion) of the 6.45 per cent 2029 debt and sell an equal amount of notes maturing next year in an auction on Monday.
To comply with Basel III capital regulations, banks need to improve and strengthen their capital planning processes.
The Reserve Bank of India's shock hold on rates had sparked the worst weekly fall in bond prices in more than one-and-a-half years
The decision by the Reserve Bank of India spurred speculation that it has run out of ammunition after slashing rates five times this year.
Till November 22, the central bank bought Rs 4,300 crore of bonds
According to him, the mode of recapitalisation that is being done now is through the issue of bond
At 3.375 per cent interest rate, this is the tightest coupon for 10-year or longer tenor offering from India ever achieved by any Indian corporate
Beijing has been leaning more heavily on fiscal stimulus to weather the current downturn, announcing 2 trn yuan in tax and fee cuts this year and 2.15 trn yuan in local government bond issuance
Reliance Capital on September 21 had said that the rating action by CARE was a completely biased, unwarranted and unjustified action on September 20, 2019