Never mind Lost; Ms Grisham has far more classic pop-culture analogies at her fingertips
Vir's special skill has been an ability to make complex issues easy to understand
The subject of Hindu civilisation has acquired in India a new political idiom, especially in recent years
The book has several evocative examples of how government, business, and not-for-profits work (and don't work)
Mr Purandare reminds us that Hitler's view of India was shaped by another Briton, a political philosopher called Houston Chamberlain
The Contrarian isn't just about Peter Thiel; it's about Silicon Valley's political coming-of-age, too
Why do latter-day economists write everything but economics in their autobiographies?
Mongol faith was based on propitiating the spirit of nature and venerating ancestors
One of the highlights of the book is the detailed analysis of the enigma
This is a great primer in a developing story and highly recommended
This tale is a conditional paean to the Chinese Party system, which is capable of great dynamism
The note about this book's sources is nearly identical to the notes in the previous two books
An academic studies tribal folktales through a queer lens to highlight how they speak out against colonial-era moral policing that, ironically, still prevails in contemporary India
The book abounds with empirical evidences and narration, but fails to construct a theoretical paradigm
It's a telling snapshot of "Muslim Britain" and the kind of Islam being promoted in British mosques and Muslim homes
Mr Hardikar traces the story of Ramrao who attempted suicide by consuming two bottles of pesticide during Holi in 2014
In the two chapters on Savarkar's trial and his twilight years we get to learn a lot of things we did not know
System Error certainly serves as a very well-written, if superficial, primer for all we need to know about the impact of the tech industry
Wendy Doniger delves into the equine in Indian myth and culture
Akshaya Kumar attempts to understand the interplay between Bhojpuri cinema, its language, symbols, the people it represents, and Hindi cinema