The book is an attempt 'to take the lid off this legalized form of prostitution, encouraged under the garb of faith by men of religion'
Instead of pressing harder on the accelerator, Mr Berger advises removing the parking brake and wheel chocks
A recurring problem in this book is that most of the clercs refuse to talk to Ms Applebaum, leaving her dependent on the public record and the wisdom of mutual acquaintances
The Black Death introduced new vocabulary - quarantine - the Italian word for 40, the number of days ship carrying diseased passengers were kept away from dock
Stripping the epic of much embellishment through its careful reading, Dr Karve comes to the conclusion that, above all, it is a story of stoic people, not superhuman beings
R C Bhargava finds the idea of reforming a public sector undertaking and making it competitive and a wealth-creator almost an impossibility
Yes, climate change is real. Yes, we should do something about it
The authors urge people who think of themselves as change-makers to recognise how they collude with the systems they are trying to fight
In his tenure, Mr Bolton was the president's faithful companion on all the president's sojourns and meetings with world leaders
This is a book written with affection and sadness about a man who had the talent and intellectual bandwidth to do anything
It's the kind of detail - memorably specific, fundamentally human and decidedly weird - that gives this book an undeniable power
Long lockdowns make for long reads and I was lucky to be able to procure this three volume set
Written by Dutch historian Rutger Bregman, Humankind argues that we've been trained to be more biased towards the innate "evil" character in humans
Without boring you with what I bought, let me share the three books I've enjoyed reading since then
When theatres went dark in March, good plays were left dangling early in their runs
Stewart Gordon has made skilful use of his protagonists' memoirs, letters and travelogues
Ms Jordan has drilled down, though, and brings new information about this unconventional first lady to the surface
The ideal re-reading ritual should be of a book just smart enough to not irritate you, just deep enough to keep you engaged
There are several novelists who have set their detective stories in this period when the freedom movement was taking roots in India
Book review of The Deer and the Dragon: Southeast Asia and China in the 21st Century