The gist of the PayPal history is known to those who follow Silicon Valley history
It is hard to summarise the riches in the book and the layers of insight into India's society, economy and politics
This debut book by Rohan J Alva traces the history of the present Article 21 of the Constitution of India, and the spirited debates that went around it.
It would be hard to overstate the collective power and visibility of these reporters in their heyday
Assembled in five sections, Ms Deshpande's perspectives touch upon an array of subjects
With frequent references to private jets, yachts and oceanfront mansions, Mr Goodman's book runs the risk of descending into a lefty screed.
The book presents a detailed chronological timeline of privatisation in the country
Yovanovitch was the child of immigrants who had fled the Soviets and the Nazis
Ramachandra Guha's work on westerners who devoted themselves to the cause of Indian freedom lives up to the high standards set by his earlier books
The hospital is your best tourism option for efficiency, tourist trappings be damned
The book's voice carries immense worth given the pedigree of one of its co-authors
According to Mr Cox, "as soon as you set a deadline, work tends to get delayed until right before time expires". He calls this a "deadline effect".
The subject of leadership permits opposite conclusions to be drawn from the same observations and data
Mr Frank does not so much puncture the Truman myth as let out just enough air to settle the man back to earth
G N Devy has produced incisive commentary on what it means to be the inheritors of this vibrant, timeless text
In the last many years, Mr Debroy has translated several Hindu epics into simple English prose, even though they were originally written in narrative couplets
The authors, two blood brothers six years apart, are alumni of IIT
The book's thesis is broad. Cyberwar can target both the soft and hard "layers" of the Internet and leverage them separately, or together
Throughout, Mr West strengthens his observations by referring to diverse sources - from Locke and Hobbes to Aristotle to Orwell
The heart of One Damn Thing After Another concerns the earlier days of Trump's presidency when, apparently, "country and principle" took first place