The only complaint one has of this book is that it is so slim
What the book lacks is a little bit more about the music
Book review of That Will Never Work: The Birth Of Netflix and the Amazing Life of an Idea authored by Marc Randolph
Good Economics for Hard Times has a much broader canvas and covers globally important public policy issues, such as trade, immigration, environment and, of course, economic growth
What makes Mr Tharoor's book easy and readable is the highly personalised account of his interface with the various facets of the Hindu religion
Book review of Flood and Fury: Ecological Devastation In the Western Ghats
The book is a must-read especially for civil servants and all those who aspire to bring about transformation in their spheres of activity
Book review of TO BEGIN THE WORLD OVER AGAIN-How the American Revolution Devastated the Globe
Reading it is like peeking into the darkened drawing rooms of old Bengaluru houses on a mild summer afternoon
Two books - one an insider account, the other a journalist's narrative - capture the journey of Flipkart and BigBasket, the first-movers in India's e-commerce story
Mr Sharma is right to point out that the India-Nepal relationship has lacked the kind of high-level political attention on the Indian side which a neighbour of strategic importance should have
This book, whose major strength is its enormous bibliography, tells many stories.
Book review of THE BATTLE FOR PAKISTAN: The Bitter US Friendship and a Tough Neighbourhood
"A Pilgrimage to Eternity" is also a stunningly comprehensive history of both Christianity and Western Europe
Bryson takes us on a body-part-by-body-part tour, with chapters devoted to the brain, the guts and the skin and hair
The 78 speeches in Voices of History span two millennia, from ancient times to the 21st century, and are arranged into 19 subjects - resistance (to an enemy), dreamers, etc
Rai has recounted in detail each flashpoint between the different bodies and the political executive but has often stopped short of taking a clear position on who is to blame
J S Grewal's book extensively details works of the Sikh faith produced during the last guru's time
Mr Modi's many foreign trips have enhanced his domestic image more than his international one
This is the backdrop to examining India's role during the Cold War and contesting the perception that it was a marginal