Thomas Piketty's critically acclaimed Capital in the Twenty First Century was majestic in its sweep
There is no shortage of books on Indian advertising, but Nawabs, Nudes and Noodles stands out for offering a glimpse of the transformation of Indian society
The book sounds refreshingly new. For Chris Lehmann has shown us why religious history is the mainstream of American history
Shoe Dog is a brave attempt by Phil Knight at unveiling himself to the world
When it comes to parenthood, the most intelligent and powerful men on earth seem to flounder and fail even more than the rest
Vijay Govindarajan's The Three Box Solution is a modern presentation of an ancient Indian concept
The book also features an excellent chapter on women's liberation, with comments by, among others, Robin Morgan, the author of the article Goodbye to All That
Pakistan might be heading towards an unstable equilibrium... in which formal civilian supremacy becomes a euphemism for the military's participation in politics
Pran Kurup concludes that Mr Kejriwal is conducting himself not out of personal ambition or drive, but is driven by forces beyond himself!
Papers written carefully, age splendidly. Newspaper columns also age but not so well. But Professor Indira Rajaraman has taken care to carefully annotate this collection of columns that she wrote from 2010 to 2015, making many of them well preserved.This is particularly true of the set of columns the former RBI chair professor at the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP) has written on the annual Budgets and those on the two Finance Commission awards. Considering even finance ministers are apt to forget what they spoke about a year ago, this is an interesting exercise. It is worth wondering, however, if it is fruitful one since one of India's premier economists remains careful in her introductions not to offer any comments on the relative importance of any year's Budget against what passed before or after. She is far more painstaking, though, in the updating exercise on the columns she wrote about the Finance Commissions. Her experience as the key member of the 13th F
The title of Janine di Giovanni's devastating new book, The Morning They Came for Us, refers to those terrible moments in ordinary Syrians' lives when the war in their country becomes personal
The essential you, the essential me and the essential chimpanzee are near-identical genetically. Any two humans share 99.9 per cent of DNA. A human being and a chimpanzee share 98.9 per cent. Those tiny genetic differences create distinct individuals (and make the chimp a member of a different species).How do genes do this and what do we understand about the processes? This book traces the history of genetic research, from its origins to the (nearly current) state of the art. It is magisterial in scope, and beautifully written as well. As is inevitable, it leaves out detail in certain areas. For example, the new genetic editing technique, CRISPR, is not dealt with.It has also generated some controversy because some scientists disagree with its representation of epigenetics (the study of heritable characteristics). Mr Mukherjee is also such a facile writer that a reader may not realise the monumental difficulties involved in genetic research and the clever techniques developed for it.In
In The Unseen Indira Gandhi, an eminent physician K P Mathur, offers yet another bunch of anecdotes and tales from the life of Mrs Gandhi
Serious writing on the history of India is always welcome because so many myths and mythologies are in vogue
Defending free speech, alas, takes more than standing up for science, sound argument and brave eloquence
Hindol Sengupta's Being Hindu: Old Faith, New World and You is a breezy and ambitious book
The Leadership Sutra attempts to simplify seemingly abstract mythological stories into tangible principles for the world of business
This a the story of Gyalo Thondup, the elder brother of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who now lives in Kalimpong and runs an ancient noodle-making factory adjacent to his compound
Paper holds the world together. It wipes our foreheads, cleans up spills, bags groceries and disposes of waste products
The bustling metropolis, which allegedly served as the launch pad for jihadis who attacked Mumbai in 2008, is the primary setting of Shandana Minhas' second novel