In 1998, a book came out on the corporate interests of Nawaz Sharif's extended family
India of BJP-RSS so covets rights to sermonise to the world. But does our present conform to brilliant past? Can we aspire for that moral stature if we respond to criticism with prickly whataboutery?
As India drifts away from secularism, undermining the principles of equality enshrined in the Constitution seems to be the goal in and of itself
The rise of pan-Indian films is a good omen. It means more tickets sold and therefore more revenues
Here are the top BS Opinion articles of the day
Here are the top BS Opinion articles of the day
Here are the top BS Opinion articles of the day
The decline in the LPR reflects the inadequacy of the growth in employment opportunities
Godmen, like Russian oligarchs, have a cathartic effect on sound lending principles and sustainable enterprise building
The party may not be over yet, but the markets globally are entering a dangerous phase
Here are the top BS Opinion articles of the day
Here are the top BS Opinion articles of the day
Here are the top BS Opinion articles of the day
Here are the top BS Opinion articles of the day
Here are the top BS Opinion articles of the day
The future of healthcare is in embracing a low-cost, hybrid model that uses doctors and technology in an efficient mix
Public-private partnership, or PPP, is back in the reckoning with numerous new projects from ropeways to logistics parks being offered under this format
Here are the top BS Opinion articles of the day
Here are the Best of BS Opinion for the day.