Stocks declined after two days of advances as lenders and consumer companies retreated amid polls that showed Britain's vote on European Union membership is too close to call. The Sensex slid 0.2 per cent at the close in Mumbai. There has only been one day the gauge has swung more than one per cent since the start of May.State Bank of India and Axis Bank Ltd. were among the top losers on the benchmark gauge. Asian Paints Ltd., the largest paint maker, retreated for a third day. NTPC Ltd., India's biggest power producer, fell the most in a week. Hindustan Unilever Ltd. lost 1 percent, while engineering company Larsen & Toubro Ltd. retreated 0.8 percent.The S&P BSE Sensex slid 0.2 per cent at the close in Mumbai. There has only been one day the gauge has swung more than 1 percent since the start of May. The outcome of June 23 referendum on whether Britain will continue in the European Union will set the tone for the market, according to IDBI Capital Capital Market Services Ltd."W
The Sensex closed little changed in Mumbai, after swinging between gains and losses at least 12 times
This is to facilitate investors and mutual fund distributors
The total market capitalisation (m-cap) of BSE-listed companies swelled by Rs 68,483 cr to Rs 1,00,40,147 cr at the end of the trade
The stock exchange is considering these companies for compulsory delisting in a phased manner
The debt auction quota gives overseas investors the right to invest in the debt, up to the limit purchased
The auction will be conducted on BSE's e-bidxchange platform
Analysts said forecast of a normal to excess rainfall, recovery in earnings report card and smart GDP numbers have fuelled rally in the stock market
Currently, mutual fund distributors can register only one bank account while registering client on BSE StAR MF Platform
Earlier this month, BSE's board, which was addressed by Sebi Chairman U K Sinha, discussed the IPO
Data on key indices in India and US suggest returns are higher when investors buy at a P/E of 15 or less
The IRF market gets participation from retail investors, trading houses, foreign portfolio investors
The S&P BSE Sensex added 0.3 per cent at the close in Mumbai
Leading stock exchange BSE today revised circuit limits for share movement of ABG Shipyard, Future Retail and six others as part of its surveillance action. The new limits, which ensure that stock prices do not go up or down beyond a level during a trading session, will be effective from tomorrow. The share price of Future Retail and Future Retail (DVR) cannot change by more than 20 per cent in a day, BSE said in a circular. It has also set an upper limit of 10 per cent for ABG Shipyard. Besides, it has fixed a circuit limit of five per cent for five companies -- Texmo Pipes and Products, Purshottam Investofin, Krishana Fabrics, Ashima Ltd and Tricom India. "Trading members of the exchange are hereby informed that the circuit filters has/have been changed from their existing levels... In the scrips (eight) with effect from May 25, 2016," BSE said.
The exchange has already implemented this measure in the equity derivatives segment from March
Overall expenses grew 19% to Rs 419 cr over the previous year
BSE plans to file its offer document with Sebi by July, say sources
Singapore Exchange to sell stake, Deutsche Borse to raise holding
The agreement will further the development of derivatives markets in India and South Korea
The auction will be conducted on BSE's e-bidxchange platform