For FY22 Infosys CEO Salil Parekh received a total remuneration of Rs 71.02 crore, up 43 per cent. This compensation included Rs 52.33 crore from restricted stock unit options.
While millions of people struggled to make ends meet, many of the companies hit hardest in 2020 showered their executives with riches
Salaries in India are projected to rise by an average of 6.4 per cent in 2021, marginally higher than the average actual increase of 5.9 per cent in 2020, according to a Willis Towers Watson survey. According to Willis Towers Watson's latest Salary Budget Planning Survey report, an average salary increase of 6.4 per cent in 2021 translates to a median increase of 7 per cent. "As companies in India respond to the economic implications of the COVID-19 crisis, there is an increased optimism on business recovery, but it is yet to translate into the salary increment budget," said Rajul Mathur, Consulting Head Talent & Rewards, Willis Towers Watson India. Mathur further said that with compensation budgets lower than previous years, companies are likely to prioritise allocation towards protecting critical and high skilled talent. "Through 2021, we can continue to expect greater emphasis on pay for performance and pay linked to business output," Mathur said. As per the survey, on ...
According to an analysis of the data made public by mutual funds, the CEO salary given by the top 12 fund houses in terms of assets under management increased in the range of 2-132 per cent in 2019-20
Chief executives of FTSE-100-listed companies earn 117 times the average annual salary, the High Pay Centre and the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development estimate
Mid and small companies are more generous in rewarding their CEOs as compared to their larger peers
Experts attribute the relatively slower growth in total compensation to the decline in commissions in line with poor corporate profitability
The best performers got big pay and big raises last year, but the laggards didn't do much worse. Complex arrangements to tie compensation to company results keep coming up short
Linkage with RBI's compliance and inspection reports to be strengthened
Her Rs 9.12 cr earning in FY16, was also second highest in finance sector, and thrice that of BSE chief