Sony Pictures Entertainment India said the film's day one net earning was Rs 32.67 crore and gross earning Rs 41.50 crore, the highest among all the Hindi and English films that released in 2021
Ms Majumdar is clearly partial to Ritwik Ghatak's work. The book is peppered with pictures and anecdotes from his work - particularly Meghe Dhaka Taara
Restaurants, cinema halls, theaters, sports activities etc would also be allowed to function at 100 per cent capacity.
"Sooryavanshi" was finally released on Friday after hitting multiple roadblocks
The drive-in theatre, operated and managed by PVR Ltd, will be launched on November 5
Sun Pictures, which has produced the film, claimed that this was the biggest overseas release for a Tamil film
Puneeth, youngest of the five children of thespian and matinee idol Dr Rajkumar, passed away at the age of 46, after suffering a cardiac arrest on Friday
He is the son of matinee idol the late Rajkumar
Rajkumar, 46, died in Bengaluru on Friday following a heart attack
The top Tamil star was admitted on October 28, "following an episode of giddiness"
The veteran actor received a standing ovation as he was conferred the award.
Hollywood veteran Martin Scorsese and celebrated Hungarian filmmaker Istevan Szabo will be honoured with the Satyajit Ray Lifetime Achievement award
The film, which was originally scheduled to release on March 24, 2020, was delayed multiple times due to the coronavirus pandemic
The Maharashtra government has issued standard operating procedures (SOPs) for cinema halls, auditoriums and drama theaters,
Daniel Craig's final outing as James Bond has shaken and stirred the international box-office
It was also decided during the meeting that from next Monday, all colleges will open for final year students while the regular classes for all students will start from October 18.
Akshay Kumar-starrer cop drama "Sooryavanshi" is set to open worldwide theatrically on Diwali, director Rohit Shetty announced on Saturday. The 48-year-old director took to social media to share the new release date of the film hours after Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray announced the reopening of cinema halls in the state from October 22. Thanks to our Honourable Chief Minister, Shri Uddhav Thackeray, theatres in Maharashtra to reopen from 22nd October. And FINALLY!!! we can say, This DIWALIAA RAHI HAI POLICE, Shetty wrote. Earlier in the day, a delegation of filmmakers and theatre owners including Shetty met Thackeray to discuss the reopening of cinema halls across Maharashtra, a key territory for movie business which was shut since April this year due to the second wave of COVID-19. Sooryavanshi was originally scheduled to release on March 24, 2020, but was delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic, which led to theatre shutdown across the country. The makers then ...
The magnum opus was scheduled for a theatrical release on October 13.
Belmondo's crooked boxer's nose and rakish grin went on to make him one of the country's most recognizable leading men
In Venice, the first isolated pestilence hospital was built on a solitary island in the lagoon