The UPSC had released the time table for UPSC Mains 2019 civil services examination on its official website on
RSS is of the view that when the question paper is set in English and translated into vernacular languages, the essence of the question is lost in translation
Union Public Service Commission has released the UPSC civil services main examination time table on Students can also check the schedule here
If you are appearing for this year's UPSC Civil Services Mains 2019, then you should definitely go through the 21-page PDF file released by UPSC
While a mechanism to fire inefficient and corrupt bureaucrats exists, the one to hire lateral entrants is still not formed
All the cadre controlling authorities are requested to submit cadre review proposals
The notification for next year's exam will be issued on February 7
The govt is tapping former bureaucrats for information about civil servants when they are empanelled
The UPSC will be conducting the examination in June after a gap of three years