Cryptocurrency portfolio tracking and tax compliance platform CoinTracker on Wednesday announced its foray into the Indian market. The company's move also comes against the backdrop of the government mandating a 30 per cent taxation on such transactions with effect from April 1. Starting today, the crypto tax compliance and portfolio tracking products will be available to all crypto users across India, it said, while announcing the launch of its product in the country. CoinTracker said users in India can now deal in crypto assets without worrying about the challenges associated with tracking, reconciliation, accounting and compliance. "It can be challenging for folks to navigate the complexity of buying, holding and transacting with cryptocurrency and nearly impossible to comply with taxes without the right tool. We built CoinTracker to solve this problem seamlessly and are excited to deliver our offering in India. "We plan to rapidly expand our integrations and partnerships with
The fund, the fourth crypto-dedicated investment vehicle for Andreessen Horowitz, brings its total digital-asset-focused efforts to $7.6 billion
Crypto assets have been swept up in broad selling of risky investments on worries about high inflation and rising interest rates.
Bitcoin is drawing strength from the rest of the crypto market, for example, its relative stature providing some comfort for investors fleeing altcoins
Tether offered passers-by free slices to celebrate Bitcoin Pizza Day in May. 22, when in 2010 Lazlo Hanyecz paid for two pizzas with 10,000 bitcoin, worth about $41 at the time
The crypto crowd's prominence at Davos, while largely on the sidelines of the main event, comes as cryptocurrencies shed $800 bn in market value earlier this month
Buterin created Ethereum in 2014 and is the owner of a digital wallet that as recently as November contained holdings worth about $1.5 billion
Lagarde said she's skeptical of crypto's value, contrasting it with the ECB's digital euro -- a project that may come to fruition in the next four years
Reckoning they have little to lose with prices so ridiculously low, South Korean speculators in recent days have piled into Luna, a cryptocurrency that lost 99.99% of its value last week
Prices for the largest cryptocurrencies, bitcoin and ethereum, have both dropped by over 55% in six months, leading some to suggest that regulation is needed to contain the turmoil.
But market is filtering out non-worthy assets
The world's largest cryptocurrency rose 2% to about $30,500 as of 9:08 a.m. in London. Other coins from Ether to Avalanche also posted modest gains.
Game companies with products featuring virtual coins and other blockchain functionalities remain on heightened alert over adverse effects from the recent collapse of the TerraUSD and Luna
Bank of France Governor Francois Villeroy says crypto assets could disrupt the international financial system.
The digital assets can lead to 'dollarisation' of economy, say top officials of the central bank.
Prices crashed, exchanges facing liquidity issues
Analysts say Bitcoin's $30,000 threshold will become 'a major resistance' if prices continue to consolidate below that mark over the next few days
These negative returns have largely been triggered by panic selling by new investors who exited in droves in the backdrop of rising interest rates, inflation worries and the geopolitical tensions
The sell-off has taken the combined market value of all cryptocurrencies to $1.2 trillion, less than half of where it was last November, based on data from CoinMarketCap
HONG KONG / LONDON (Reuters) -The meltdown in TerraUSD, one of the world's largest stablecoins, sent shockwaves through cryptocurrency markets on Thursday, pushing another stablecoin Tether below its dollar peg and sending bitcoin to 16-month lows.