Daimler India Commercial Vehicles Pvt Ltd (DICV) on Thursday said it is aiming for 100 per cent carbon-free operations at its manufacturing plant at Oragadam in Tamil Nadu by 2025. The company, which manufactures Bharat Benz trucks and buses, also said it has set a target of 100 per cent paper-free organisation by the end of 2023. DICV Managing Director & CEO Satyakam Arya said the company has achieved sustainable growth in its domestic as well as export businesses. "A few key objectives for the next decade are to achieve 100 per cent carbon neutrality in our operations by 2025, become a 100 per cent paper-free organisation by the end of 2023, increase energy self-reliance and have a sharper focus on workplace diversity and culture," he said in a statement. As part of its sustainable business plans, the company said it currently uses 85 per cent of its energy from renewable sources. It has already harnessed solar energy for its manufacturing facility in Oragadam and laid the ...
Daimler India Commercial Vehicles Pvt Ltd (DICV) on Friday reported 48 per cent growth in truck wholesales at 14,222 units in 2021. The company, which manufactures BharatBenz brand of trucks and buses, had registered truck wholesales of 9,624 units in 2020. "Despite supply chain headwinds, rising input costs, rising fuel prices and the impact of the pandemic, we closed the year with a 48 per cent increase in domestic wholesales and achieved highest-ever growth in exports of trucks, buses and parts," DICV Managing Director & CEO, Satyakam Arya said in a statement. Exports of trucks and buses were at 9,073 units in 2021 as against 4,680 units in 2020, a growth of 93.87 per cent. Arya said DICV and 'BharatBenz' complete 10 years in the Indian market in 2022 and the company is geared up for a "sustainable growth this year". DICV said it has continued to expand the sales and service network for BharatBenz across India and crossed 270 touch points last year. It is expanding the network
Daimler said India was a key hub for its trucks, with the Indian subsidiary not only serving the 'growing' domestic demand, but also shipping to over 60 destinations across the globe
Daimler India Commercial Vehicles (DICV) will double its captive solar power generation, hike green power purchase, switch all internal shuttles to electric vehicles
Daimler said it is supporting its employees with its health programmes, adding that it will pay workers their full salaries for the non-production period
Salary support, group insurance for Covid-19, credit period for vehicles in stock are some of the support packages Daimler India Commercial Vehicles (DICV) offer for its dealers
Despite pandemic and economic downturn, firm outperformed Indian CV market and emerged with major increases in domestic sales (46%) and incoming orders (150%) for Q4
Daimler India Commercial Vehicles (DICV) on Wednesday launched eight new products, including fully built reefer trucks which are customised for pharma and vaccine logistics. The Chennai-based company has introduced six trucks and two bus models equipped with new user-centric features and design elements under its Bharat Benz brand. The product portfolio comes with COVID-19 prevention features like infection-proof fabric seats, safety kits and disinfection fogging machines. In today's rapidly-changing environment, it is vital to meet the dynamic needs of society. With this in mind, we proudly introduce a new range with special COVID-prevention features," DICV MD & CEO Satyakam Arya said in a statement. Since the start of BS-VI sales in April 2020, Bharat Benz has almost doubled its market share and increased its network to 250 touchpoints across India.
Open from Dec 21 to Jan 29; initiative organised in association with Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to GOI and Invest India
Daimler India, which recently set up 10 new touchpoints, plans to have at least 350 dealerships pan-India in the next two years as it looks to deepen market penetration, a top company executive said
Bengaluru-based Mercedes-Benz Research and Development India (MBRDI) has selected Capgemini to provide application development and maintenance services, a release said on Wednesday. Under the terms, Capgemini will enable application development and maintenance across all the client's application clusters, including generic, testing and niche technologies, Capegemini said in the release. MBRDI is the largest R&D facility of Daimler outside Germany. The contract was awarded as part of a vendor consolidation exercise in which Capgemini was selected as one of the major partners in the multi-vendor deal for application services, technology and delivery capabilities in business transformation, the release said. "We are delighted to be a lead partner in the digital transformation journey of the captive unit, to transform their (MBRDI) current IT into valuable assets aligned to the business objectives of their headquarters," said Ashwin Yardi, CEO of Capgemini, India and member of the ...
The programme will supplement its existing new vehicle sales model by offering a platform on which customers can exchange their used vehicles of any brand for new or used BharatBenz vehicles
Satyakam Arya said that the commercial vehicle segment took the worst hit during the automobile slowdown in India
Satyakam Arya, managing director and CEO, DICV said that beyond trucks, the company want to promote innovation culture, new business ideas and revenue streams
Daimler India is taking on rivals Tata Motors and Ashok Leyland with its BS-VI line of vehicles
Oscar-winning director James Cameron joined Kallenius on stage at MGM Park Theater to debut the vehicle during the Consumer Electronics Show, now called CES, in Las Vegas
Daimler India Commercial Vehicles, which owns the brand BharatBenz, said that it prosecuted Pyken Industries for manufacturing and selling spare parts bearing the mark BHARATBENZ
Instead of crying about it, we should look at things which can build foundations for futures and cost structures, which DICV is doing, says CEO Arya
DICV's parts business has also grown with over 100 million parts being exported to other Daimler entities
In India, Daimler's sales of buses, luxury coaches and chassis grew by more than 70% to 1,555 units