Karnataka on Friday clocked 967 fresh COVID-19 cases, taking the caseload to 29,60,131, while 10 deaths pushed the toll to 37,472. The day also saw 921 people being discharged, taking the total number of recoveries to 29,05,604. Active cases stood at 17,028, a health department bulletin said. Bengaluru Urban accounted for the maximum number of 310 cases and two fatalities, it said. Dakshina Kannada district bordering Kerala remained a major COVID-19 hotspot with 141 fresh infections and two fatalities. Other districts too reported fresh cases, including Udupi 96, Kodagu 74, Hassan 61, Mysuru 55, Tumakuru 41 and Chikkamagaluru 37. Bidar, Chikkaballapura, Gadag, Haveri, Ramanagara and Yadgir reported zero infections and zero deaths. Twenty-four districts reported zero fatalities, the bulletin said. A total of 1,67,679 samples were tested, taking the cumulative number of specimens examined to 4.51 crore. The number of vaccinations done so far in the state rose to 4.71 crore, with
Kerala on Friday logged 25,010 new Covid-19 cases and 177 deaths, taking the caseload to 4,334,704 and the death toll to 22,303
India has so far administered 723,784,586 vaccine doses. That is 2181.71 per cent of its total caseload, and 51.87 per cent of its population
Karnataka on Thursday reported the lowest number of deaths due to C-19, since the beginning of the second wave, with 4 fatalities, taking the toll so far due to the pandemic to 37,462
India has so far administered 716,597,428 vaccine doses. That is 2162.33 per cent of its total caseload, and 51.36 per cent of its population
At least one person died and 33 others went missing after a boat carrying over 120 passengers collided with a ferry steamer and sank in Brahmaputra river near Nimati Ghat in Jorhat district of Assam
Maharashtra reported 4,174 new coronavirus cases and 65 fresh fatalities on Wednesday, taking the tally of infections to 64,97,872 and the toll to 1,37,962, a health department official said. With 4,155 patients getting discharged from hospitals in the last 24 hours, the number of recoveries climbed to 63,08,491, leaving the state with 47,880 active cases, he said. On Tuesday, Maharashtra had reported 3,898 new coronavirus infections and 86 fatalities. There are currently 3,07,913 people in home isolation in the state and another 1,937 in institutional quarantine, the official said. Maharashtra's coronavirus recovery rate stands at 97.09 per cent, while the fatality rate is 2.12 per cent. The number of coronavirus tests conducted in the state rose to 5,53,38,772, of which 1,79,408 samples were examined in the past 24 hours. On Tuesday, 1,59,889 swab samples were tested in Maharashtra. Ahmednagar district reported the highest 786 new infections, followed by Pune district at ...
India has so far administered 707,543,018vaccine doses. That is 2137.8 per cent of its total caseload, and 50.71 per cent of its population
Maharashtra reported 3,898 new coronavirus infections and 86 fatalities on Tuesday, taking tally of infections in the state to 6,493,698 and death toll to 137,897, a health department official said
Delhi reported 50 new Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours taking active cases in the national capital to 386
India has so far administered 699,062,776 vaccine doses. That is 2114.6 per cent of its total caseload, and 50.1 per cent of its population
Karnataka on Monday reported 973 new cases of Covid-19 and 17 deaths, taking the total number of infections to 29,56,137 and death toll to 37,426
India has so far administered 687,541,762 vaccine doses. That is 2081.71 per cent of its total caseload, and 49.27 per cent of its population
Maharashtra reported 4,057 coronavirus positive cases on Sunday, which took the state's infection tally to 6,486,174, while the death of 67 patients pushed the toll to 137,774, health department said
India has so far administered 654,113,508 vaccine doses. That is 1993.58 per cent of its total caseload, and 46.88 per cent of its population
No death due to Covid-19 was recorded in Delhi for the second consecutive day on Thursday, while 39 fresh cases of the infection were reported with a positivity rate of 0.06 per cent
Karnataka on Thursday clocked 1,240 fresh Covid-19 cases, taking the caseload to 2.95 million, while 22 deaths pushed the death toll to 37,361
Opposition-ruled states are doing better in inoculating people after vaccines were made free of cost
India has so far administered 640,528,644 vaccine doses. That is 1954.68 per cent of its total caseload, and 45.9 per cent of its population
The Covid-19 tally in Goa reached 1,73,850 on Monday with the addition of 59 cases, while the day also saw three deaths and 59 recoveries, an official said