India on Thursday conducted 1,131,204 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 137,062,749. The test positivity rate recorded was 3.8%
India on Wednesday conducted 1,090,238 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 135,931,545. The test positivity rate recorded was 4.1%
India on Tuesday conducted 1,159,032 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 134,841,307. The test positivity rate recorded was 3.8%
India on Monday conducted 1,099,545 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 133,682,275. The test positivity rate recorded was 3.5%
India on Sunday conducted 849,596 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 132,582,730. The test positivity rate recorded was 5.2%
India on Saturday conducted 1,075,326 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 131,733,134. The test positivity rate recorded was 4.2%
India on Friday conducted 1,066,022 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 130,657,808. The test positivity rate recorded was 4.3%
India on Thursday conducted 1,083,397 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 129,591,786. The test positivity rate recorded was 4.2%
India on Wednesday conducted 1,028,203 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 128,508,389. The test positivity rate recorded was 4.4%
With 44739 new daily recoveries, India's recovery rate has risen to 93.52%; the fatality rate remains unchanged at 1.47%
India on Monday conducted 844,382 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 126,542,907. The test positivity rate recorded was 3.5%
With 43851 new daily recoveries, India's recovery rate has risen to 93.27%; the fatality rate remains unchanged at 1.47%
India's new daily closed cases stand at 42603 - 447 deaths and 42156 recoveries. The share of deaths in total closed cases stands at 1.05%
India on Friday conducted 929,491 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 124,031,230. The test positivity rate recorded on Thursday was 4.8%
India on Thursday conducted 1,139,230 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 123,101,739. The test positivity rate recorded on Thursday was 3.9%
India's new daily closed cases stand at 53268 - 550 deaths and 52718 recoveries. The share of deaths in total closed cases stands at 1.03%
India on Tuesday conducted 1,153,294 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 120,769,151. The test positivity rate recorded on Monday was 3.8%
With a daily increase of 38,073 in total cases, India's tally of coronavirus cases has risen from 8,553,657 on Monday to 8,591,730 - an increase of 0.4%
With 48405 new daily recoveries, India's recovery rate has risen to 92.56%; the fatality rate has come down to 1.48%
India on Saturday conducted 1,194,487 coronavirus tests, taking the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 117,736,791. The test positivity rate recorded on Saturday was 3.8%