Chhattisgarh reported 2,688 coronavirus cases and 39 fatalities on Saturday, taking the state's caseload to 1,40,258 and toll to 1,235, while 713 people were discharged and 1,691 completed home isol
Himachal Pradesh reported three more Covid-19 fatalities, taking the death toll in the state to 244, while 267 new cases pushed the infection count to 17,245
Pune district reported 1,795 new coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours, taking its total case count to 305,144
Gujarat reported 1,221 new Covid cases, taking the state's coronavirus tally to 150,415, while 10 deaths in the past 24 hours mounted the state's Covid death toll to 3,560
Meghalaya's Covid-19 tally rose to 7,544 as 156 more people tested positive for the infection
Two more fatalities due to Covid-19 took the death toll to 190 while 96 fresh cases pushed the infection count to 13,081 in Chandigarh
The Covid-19 count in Thane district touched 190,482 on Saturday with the addition of 1,675 cases, while 42 deaths took the toll to 4,814
India now accounts for 10.84% of all active cases globally (one in every 9 active cases), and 9.93% of all deaths (one in every 10)
India's new daily closed cases stand at 79,329 - 964 deaths and 78365 recoveries. The share of deaths in total closed cases stands at 1.22%
With 83011 new daily recoveries, India's recovery rate has improved to 85.25; the fatality rate has come down to 1.54%
India's doubling time for total cases stands at 64.7 days, and for deaths at 73.2 days. The only state that has seen its highest single-day jump in daily new cases today is West Bengal (3370)
India's tally of coronavirus cases has risen from 6,623,815 on Monday to 6,685,082 - an increase of 0.9%, the lowest rate so far
India's doubling time for total cases stands at 61.3 days, and for deaths at 78.5 days
With 82260 new daily recoveries, India's recovery rate has improved to 84.13; the fatality rate has come down to 1.55%
A total of 9,886 new Covid-19 cases, 8,989 discharges and 100 deaths were reported in Karnataka on Saturday
Sikkim reported 39 new cases of Covid-19 and two more deaths on Saturday
Chhattisgarh's Covid-19 caseload reached 121,400 after 2,610 people were detected with the infection on Saturday, while 29 deaths increased the toll to 1,031
With 12 more fatalities, Gujarat's Covid-19 death toll reached 3490, and 1,343 new cases pushed its tally to 141,398
Andhra Pradesh on Saturday reported 6,224 new COVID-19 cases and 41 deaths in the last 24 hours, the state health department said
At least 111 more people tested positive for Covid-19 in Nagaland on Saturday, raising the state's tally to 6,429