Singh joined the row between Ramdev and the doctors' fraternity, saying the comments against the yoga guru were condemnable
BMW Group has offered a complementary engine oil service of its cars and motorcycles exclusively for the doctors engaged in the fight against the pandemic for four months, starting June 1
The number of doctors for every 10,000 people in India has fallen to around nine in 2019 from 12 in 1991, according to data on World Health Organization's website.
Yoga guru Ramdev on Sunday withdrew his recent statements on allopathic medicine which had triggered strong protests from the medical fraternity
Book review of Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment
Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Monday that the vaccines have ensured the safety of most of the doctors as 90 per cent of health professionals have already taken its first dose
The rate of cases in young kids and early teens in the US began surpassing that of those 65 and older by early April, say researchers.
The Odisha Government announced that all doctors belonging to various cadres, dental surgeons, PG doctors, post PG doctors, interns and final year students will be temporarily brought under state pool
Many are grappling with guilt at having to turn patients away, not being able to save lives
IMA appealed that a high-power committee be constituted by the government to do a thorough study of the entire data of deceased doctors
Under the campaign, the IMA will launch a massive awareness drive across the country as this is a clear threat to the safety of healthcare of people
A total of 3,351 sessions of vaccinaton were held wherein 165,714 beneficiaries got vaccinated according to the provisional reports
The hectic preparations in the capital city resembled action at any wedding venue, according to a health worker in the midst of it all
The decision of Drugs Controller General of India to allow accelerated approval or the emergency use approval for Covaxin had become a contentious issue
Spending on health is improving gradually in India, even though it has not grown substantially from its level of 1% of GDP
A number of medicos, mostly posted in hospitals in districts, have received the message
According to the Association, the stipend of junior doctors in Bihar has not been revised since 2017, due to which they have called the strike
Lauding the medical fraternity in their fight against coronavirus situation, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Tuesday said that the country will always remain grateful to these "real superheroes"
The Delhi High Court on Wednesday directed the municipal corporations of North and East Delhi to release within two weeks the arrears of salaries of doctors
Talked about little in the fight against Covid-19 is the condition of nursing staff