The Enforcement Directorate has frozen four HSBC bank accounts containing Rs 46.96 crore after it raided multiple premises of companies involved in running online Chinese betting apps, according to an official statement. It said the searches were carried out at 15 locations in Delhi, Gurgaon, Mumbai and Pune on Friday under various sections of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA). "Searches were conducted on the registered offices of the companies, their directors and chartered accountants involved in illegally running online betting apps from websites which are hosted from outside India," the federal probe agency said in the statement on Saturday. "During the course of search, ED has seized 17 hard disks, five laptops, phones, crucial incriminating documents and has also frozen Rs 46.96 crore held in 4 HSBC Bank accounts," it said. The money laundering case is based on an FIR filed by the Telangana Police against the accused early this year, it added. According to the ..
Rhea Chakraborty on Friday appeared before the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI)
A Mumbai police team reached the residence of actress Rhea Chakraborty, who is accused of abetting actor Sushant Singh Rajput's suicide, in Santacruz and took her father along for a questioning by ED
This is the first time that a member from Rhea Chakraborty''s family is being questioned by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in the case of Rajput''s death
Interpol has issued a red corner notice against fugitive Nirav Modi's wife, Ami Modi, in connection with the nearly $2 billion Punjab National Bank (PNB) fraud and money laundering case
ED sent fresh notices to a Trinamool Congress' Minister and several Lok Sabha members in West Bengal, apart from a suspended police officer, in connection with the Narada sting operation in 2016.
Steel company clandestinely moved finished goods from its Odisha factory to its plants in Kolkata and Chandigarh, says agency
The court directed the duo to deposit Rs one lakh each as surety and surrender their passports
Beleaguered steel firm batting money laundering charges, forcible possession of its assets
ED recorded statement of KK Singh, father of Sushant Singh Rajput, in the national capital on Monday in connection with a case related to the death of the actor, sources said
Enforcement Directorate has recorded the statement of K K Singh, father of actor Sushant Singh Rajput, in connection with a money laundering case probe linked to his son's death, officials said
Probe allegedly reveals that at the behest of Chinese individuals, more than 40 bank accounts were created in various dummy entities
The apex court had, on August 11, reserved its order on Chakraborty''s plea and asked the parties concerned to file their written submissions by Thursday
Rhea Chakraborty, accused of abetting suicide of Sushant Singh Rajput, appeared before the Enforcement Directorate (ED) here on Friday in connection with the money laundering case lodged by it
ED raided multiple premises in various cities in connection with a money laundering case linked to alleged corruption in the purchase of 75 Pilatus basic trainer aircraft for IAF in 2009
Chakrabortys advocate Satish Maneshinde said the actor would not appear before the ED, which has summoned her on Friday, till the Supreme Court hears her plea
They said Samuel Miranda was questioned at the central probe agency's office in Mumbai and his statement recorded under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA)
Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot's elder brother skipped Enforcement Directorate summons for a second time Tuesday in a money-laundering case, citing health issues, officials said.
Although, sufficient time has passed since filing of Charge sheet in CBI, but in view of the aforesaid request, the matter stands adjourned
The high court on July 23 granted bail to Singh, saying it does not perceive any grave threat to the interests of the society or the public at large with his release