SEBI allowed mutual funds to launch passively managed ELSS, though with a caveat that mutual funds can have either an actively-managed ELSS scheme or passively-managed one, but not in both categories
The move will allow new fund houses that are especially focusing on passive schemes to float a passively-managed ELSS fund
Of all types of investments deductible under Section 80C, ELSS tends to be one of the most popular and efficient tax-saving instruments. Here is all that you need to know about ELSS funds
Why should investors invest in ELSS? Is there any down side to investing in ELSS? How should one select the right fund? In this podcast, we discussed how to go go about investing in ELSS funds
Notably, all the funds fell less than their respective benchmark indices during the bear market
Business Standard explains the concept of equity-linked saving schemes and how you can benefit from investing in these instruments