WhatsApp will first allow users to react with six key emoji but will add more going forward, so that people can quickly share their opinion without flooding chats with new messages.
At present, only eight people can be added in a group voice call using the mobile app, and the size of each file to be exchanged among the users should not exceed 1 GB
Admins will be able to remove errant or problematic messages from everyone's chats
According to AppleInsider, the tech giant released its feature in iOS 14 on April 26, last year, and it immediately had an impact on companies relying on advertising revenue
WhatsApp has over the years told NPCI that there should be no cap on users of its payments service in India, its biggest market
Meta Platforms spent more than $15.2 million in 2021 for expenses related to protecting its chief executive officer at his homes and during personal travel, according to a recent regulatory filing
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that creator monetisation and metaverse economy is really important.
Meta (formerly Facebook) is ending an exception to its existing rules that allowed users to post private residential information of people on its platforms if it was "publicly available" elsewhere.
TikTok is predicted to catch up with Google-owned YouTube by clocking $23.6 billion in ad revenue by 2024
Meta's crypto-currencies, internally dubbed 'Zuck Bucks', are intended for the metaverse and may not be based on blockchain, the FT report said, citing sources
The guide gives an insight into what exactly a fantasy sport is--game of skill that's distinct from various similar formats and is not related to betting, gambling or wagering
Hackers aligned with Russia broke into social media accounts of Ukrainian military officers and were uploading videos of surrendering Ukrainian soldiers when plot was disrupted, says a Meta report
Meta has announced not to hold its flagship Facebook F8 developer conference this year, as it gears up for new initiatives towards metaverse.
The Bucha killings have drawn pledges of further sanctions against Moscow from the West. However, Russia denied to the killings and said that it was Ukrainian propaganda.
Meta actioned a huge 15.4 million spam content, 2.4 million violent and graphic content and 1.4 million content related to adult nudity and sexual activity, among others
Instagram has announced that it is connecting the Facebook Messenger and Instagram experience to bring some of the best Messenger features to the photo-sharing platform
Eleven years ago, Facebook was caught red-handed after it hired a prominent public relations firm to try to plant stories harshly criticising Google's privacy practices in leading news outlets.
Amit Chadha, who completes a year at the helm of the company, last year had called out six big bets and changed the narrative of the company's focus
Meta is adding a new "@everyone" functionality that will notify all participants in a chat about a new message.
The company said it is testing a new feature to help people discover social movements happening in the world and on Instagram, as well as ways to take action.