On Saturday, the regulator had said that a scheduled flight will be suspended for a period of two weeks if anyone is found taking photographs inside the plane
The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) asked IndiGo on Friday to take "appropriate action" after the regulator found alleged violation of safety
The suspension of domestic flight operations to Kolkata from six major cities has been extended till August 15
A spokesperson for the airline confirmed the incident and said that all the four pilots and 10 cabin crew of the flight have been asked to quarantine themselves for 14 days
The Economy Skynest would contain six full-length sleep pods at 200 cm long and 58 cm wide each
Qantas flight QF7879 took 19 hours and 16 minutes to fly direct from New York to Sydney
The child has been identified as Rachita Kumari, a resident of Bihar, who was coming to Delhi along with her parents for her treatment
Recently, an IndiGo passenger was handcuffed in a Dubai-New Delhi flight after he created ruckus
The move comes against the backdrop of an ongoing petition on the lack of air connectivity to Shimla and the SC criticising the government on the issue