Maharashtra Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari issued a notification modifying the Forest Rights Act, 2006 that will enable tribals to "build houses in the neighbourhood forest areas"
There are no guidelines for what kinds of forests should be nurtured on land taken up for compensatory afforestation
The tribunal was hearing a plea by south Delhi resident Amarjit Singh Nalwa and others seeking execution of a 2015 NGT order directing the Delhi government to remove encroachments
PM Modi on many occasions in 2019 announced plans to rid the country of single-use plastic by 2022
In the absence of alternative livelihoods, villagers living in the region claim unfettered access to the forest, despite high chances of a tiger attack
A rare set of essays examines how conservation systems crafted in an era of state dominance can work better in a time of private enterprise, civic action and science
First, we need to understand where the trees are growing
A German forester makes an eloquent case for reconsidering man's relationship with forests as living, communicating entities, beyond the narrow economic view of plantations for harvest