Adani Transmission on Thursday reported a 40 per cent decline in its consolidated net profit to Rs 277 crore for the December 2021 quarter. The company had reported a consolidated net profit of Rs 464 crore in the quarter ended December 31, 2020, according to a BSE filing. Its total income during October-December 2021 rose to Rs 3,085.20 crore, from Rs 2,734.04 crore in the year-ago period. "In Q3 (third quarter), the consolidated PAT (profit after tax) decline of Rs 187 crore, (-)40.3 per cent y-o-y decline. "Q3FY22 PAT (October-December 2021) not comparable y-o-y on account of Rs 62 crore reversal of earlier interim power purchase bill, one-time deferred tax assets creation of Rs 129 crore and forex MTM gain of Rs 40 cr in Q3FY21 (October-December 2020) in (electricity) distribution business," the company said in a statement. Anil Sardana, MD and CEO of Adani Transmission, in the statement said, "Adani Transmission is constantly evolving and becoming a significant player in T&D
The company had reported a consolidated net profit of Rs 41 crore in the quarter ended on December 31, 2020, a BSE filing stated
Billionaire Gautam Adani's logistics-to-energy conglomerate has set up a new subsidiary, ANIL to undertake green hydrogen projects, generation of low carbon electricity among others
Gautam Adani's port-to-energy conglomerate said it had won a contract to supply imported coal to state-owned electricity generator NTPC
With a project cost of over Rs. 17,000 crore, this is India's largest ever expressway project awarded to a private company under PPP framework
Some experts say the way forward in fight against the coronavirus is to mix vaccines. More on that in our top headlines this morning.
Billionaire Gautam Adani said his logistics-to-energy conglomerate will invest $70 billion over the next decade to become the world's largest renewable energy company and produce the cheapest hydrogen
The US investment bank is the latest global financial institution to distance itself from the project after a campaign by local indigenous people
Don't expect a gabfest in Glasgow to save the planet when the scene of real action is 4,000 miles east.
Experts see firm's WCT deal as India's move to contain China in the region
Chairman of Reliance Industries, topped the rich list for the 14th year in a row
Adani said his infrastructure conglomerate will invest between USD 50-70 billion in organic and inorganic growth opportunities across the entire energy value chain over the next decade
The tenth Hurun India rich list has Mukesh Ambani topping it for the 10th year in a row with Rs 7.18 trillion wealth - only 9 per cent up over 2020
India produced 179 more super-rich people this year led by Adani Group's Gautam Adani who amassed a whopping wealth of Rs 365,700 cr or more than Rs 1,000 crore daily
RIL chairman Mukesh Ambani continued to be the richest man in India for the 10th consecutive year with a wealth of Rs 7.18 trn, shows IIFL Wealth-Hurun India Rich List 2021
Speaking at JP Morgan India Investor Summit, Adani Group chairman said the $20 bn investment will be in renewable energy generation, component manufacturing, transmission and distribution
Gautam Adani on Tuesday said media coverage cannot be biased under the garb of press freedom and criticism should not be at the cost of national dignity.
Billionaire Gautam Adani on Monday defended handling of the Covid-19 pandemic in the country, saying criticism should not be at the cost of national dignity and destroying the confidence of a nation
Gautam Adani today said a self reliant India has become a necessity
Australia has lessons for India's plan on managing a fair deal for taxpayers and ensuring public utilities work and are affordable.