The Sensex fell 1,708 points, or 3.4 per cent, to end the session at 47,883 -- the lowest close since January 29 -- while the Nifty 50 index closed at 14,311, declining 524 points, or 3.5 per cent
The Fund's projection suggests India would again become the world's fastest-growing large economy
Fitch said revision is on the back of 'a stronger carryover effect, a looser fiscal stance and better virus containment'
India is the third most indebted country among major emerging markets, behind Argentina and Brazil.
Near-term prospects have turned more favourable, Moody's Analytics said
State Bank of India said in a report published Wednesday that there was a sharp increase in debt in the year to March 31 as states had to borrow more given their lack of resources
OECD sees global GDP growth at 5.6 per cent this year, an upward revision of more than one percentage point since its projection in December 2020, and 4 per cent in 2022
The Centre's current deficit glide path reveals a conservative stance on growth
Beijing unveiled its next five-year plan, pledging to lift annual research and development spending by more than 7% until 2025
Building state capability is not an easy process, especially in a democratic setup
Govt is increasingly keen to deliver even specific items like toilets, water, gas cylinders, where it can show the beneficiary immediate results. This new welfarism helps win polls but not development
The small fall in the unemployed we see does not imply that more people got employment
After years of disappointing growth, the economy and the markets are poised for a breakout
The advance to decline ratio favoured bulls as nearly 2x stocks rose for every 1 stock that declined on the BSE
Hopeful signs in data, but medium-term outlook uncertain
Congress on Friday said the people have been hit by the double whammy of low growth and high inflation for which the Modi government's "gross mismanagement" is responsible
India Inc on Friday said the recouping of the country's economy to a positive trajectory in the third quarter is a promising sign as it portends the end of the pandemic-induced recessionary phase
Imputed Q4 GDP seen falling 1.1%; Services to catch up with mfg; Tall growth of 30% in govt spending needed; Investments better than expected, show revised numbers
The fiscal deficit at the end of January in the previous financial year was 128.5 per cent of the Revised Estimates (RE)
Growth in core sector output in January was lower than the 0.2 per cent expansion seen in December