The Haryana government has spent over Rs 700 crore on advertisement of its achievements, announcements and functions since 2015. The information was placed before the state Assembly here on Friday in a written reply in response to a question raised by Congress MLA Aftab Ahmed. Ahmed had sought to know year-wise details of the amount spent by the government on newspapers, posters, Internet, TV and radio etc for advertisement of its achievements, announcements, birth anniversary of great personalities and functions since 2015. In response to the question asked, the government in the written reply gave details from the period January 2015 to December 13, 2021. Over Rs 596 crore was mentioned to have been given during the period for newspaper advertisements while Rs 96.34 crore was given for TV ads, Rs 21.76 crore for radio, Rs 1.19 crore for Internet and Rs 4.39 lakh for the posters.
Opposition Haryana MLAs on Friday in the state Assembly demanded compensation and government jobs for relatives of the farmers who died during the course of the agitation
Here are the best of BS Opinion pieces of the day
Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar has enrolled himself for a three-month online basic certificate course in Japanese culture and language started by Kurukshetra University here. A KU release said on Friday that Khattar has become the first student to recently enrol for this course. The release quoting Khattar said that there is no age limit to get an education and learn. "One should keep on improving one's skills and knowledge," said the 67-year-old BJP leader. Khattar said he had a passion for learning foreign languages from the very beginning, so he has enrolled in the Japanese language course started by Kurukshetra University (KU). Vice-Chancellor of Kurukshetra University, Prof Som Nath Sachdeva, congratulated the chief minister on becoming the first student of the Japanese language course. "It is a matter of pride for Kurukshetra University," he said. "His presence as a student will be a great motivation to the entire teaching and student fraternity of Kurukshetra
Later, interacting with reporters, the Chief Minister said curbing corruption is the main goal of his government
Will Haryana's new job quota rule hurt MSMEs? Can RBI-RD scheme spur retail interest in bonds? How does Ather Energy CEO Tarun Mehta plan to take on competition in the EV space? Answers here
The Haryana govt's amendment of its draft Bill to reserve 75% of private jobs for locals has allayed concerns of private sector giants in Gurugram. But what will be the impact on smaller industries?
The scheme was earlier formulated to enable the recovery of long-pending EDC dues and was approved by the Council of Ministers in its meeting held on July 6, 2020.
INLD leader Abhay Singh Chautala won the Ellenabad bypoll after defeating his nearest rival, Gobind Kanda of the BJP, with a margin of 6,739 votes on Tuesday.
Mr Khattar and Mr Modi have known each other since the days the latter was "prabhari" (in charge) of Haryana
The Haryana government on Wednesday formed a high-powered committee to talk to farmers for removing the National Highway-44 blockade at the Kundli-Singhu border due to the farmers' sit-in there
The Haryana government on Thursday decided to increase the sugarcane price by Rs 12 per quintal to Rs 362 per quintal, higher than neighbouring Punjab's Rs 360, for the 2021-22 crushing season.
Deputy Chief Minister Dushyant Chautala said necessary instructions in this regard have also been conveyed to vice-chancellors of universities
The Haryana government has provided an option to them by formulating a policy to create land banks for government departments, boards and corporations
Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Saturday announced to increase the rate of dearness allowance from 17 per cent to 28 per cent.
Haryana government has decided to reduce 30 per cent syllabus for secondary and senior secondary classes for the academic session 2021-22
Under the scheme, the state government plans to connect every block of the state with some industrial vision
Chadha had earlier said Haryana had been withholding 120 MGD (million gallons per day) water belonging to Delhi, which led to a water crisis in the Union Territory.
The Haryana government on Sunday issued an order extending the Covid-induced lockdown for another week, till July 5 with certain more relaxations.
The payment, duly received in escrow accounts, comes in compliance of the Supreme Court order of March 26, 2021 that ruled in favour of IL&FS in the Gurgaon Metro Project