Max Healthcare Institute on Wednesday said its profit after tax increased by 58 per cent to Rs 172 crore for the fourth quarter ended March 2022. The company had reported a net profit of Rs 109 crore for the January-March quarter of 2020-21 fiscal. Gross revenue rose to Rs 1,298 crore for the period under review as compared with Rs 1,161 crore in the year-ago period, Max Healthcare Institute said in a regulatory filing. For the year ended March 31, 2022, the healthcare provider posted a net profit of Rs 837 crore. It had reported a net loss of Rs 95 crore in FY21 fiscal. "Overall, FY22 has been an eventful year where despite numerous challenges, there is a marked improvement in the network performance," Max Healthcare Institute Chairman and MD Abhay Soi said in a statement. As part of the company's inorganic growth strategy, it has announced four transactions, including purchase of two prime land parcels in Gurugram, he noted. "These will have a combined potential to add 2,200 be
Things are reverting to the way they were as federal money for Covid care of the uninsured dries up, creating a potential barrier to timely access
The tech platform Flipkart enables access to genuine medicines and healthcare products, and services for millions of customers across the country.
There is the problem of the current infrastructure being able to absorb higher levels of funding
Yatharth Hospital & Trauma Care Services Ltd has filed preliminary papers with Sebi for an initial public offering that will include sale of fresh equity shares worth Rs 610 crore. The company operates and manages private hospitals in the Delhi-NCR region. The Initial Public Offering (IPO) consists of a fresh issue of equity shares aggregating up to Rs 610 crore and an Offer For Sale (OFS) offer for sale of up to 65.51 lakh equity shares by the company's promoters and promoter group entities. As many as 37.43 lakh equity shares would be sold by Vimla Tyagi, 20.21 lakh equity shares by Prem Narayan Tyagi and 7.87 lakh equity shares by Neena Tyagi. The company may also consider a pre-IPO placement aggregating up to Rs 122 crore. The firm intends to utilise the net proceeds for repayment or prepayment in full or part of certain borrowings availed by the company and its subsidiaries, and for funding capital expenditure expenses, among others. The proceeds will also be used for fundin
MFine has democratised health care at home by bringing these solutions on to devices that are more ubiquitous and affordable than wearables
Emergency healthcare provider - CIPACA - on Friday said it has been awarded the Best ICU Growth Partner for rural hospitals in recognition of the disruptive model
Two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the world has seen a dramatic improvement in infections, hospitalizations and death rates in recent weeks, signaling the crisis appears to be winding down
Axis Bank has committed to strengthening India's healthcare infrastructure by signing an MoU with IPE Global for the SAMRIDH Healthcare Blended Finance Facility, the bank said in a release
'Under the ABDM, citizens will be able to create their Ayushman Bharat Health Account numbers, to which their digital health records can be linked'
'BA.2 is a sub-lineage of Omicron and is essentially as same as Omicron that was identified in November in South Africa'
The incumbent, Randeep Guleria, slated to retire on March 23
Kids Clinic India Ltd, which operates super-specialty mother and babycare chain Cloudnine, has filed preliminary prospectus with Sebi to raise Rs 1,200 crore through an initial share-sale
Many experts have argued that the pandemic is on its end stage and slowly moving towards becoming an epidemic but WHO has maintained that this is not the end and a more severe variant is expected
Earlier on Tuesday, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman while presenting the budget 2022-2023 announced the rollout of an open platform for the national health ecosystem
The hospital ecosystem is expected to maintain acceptable levels of hygiene and cleanliness
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said the government would provide 75 per cent coverage for new projects and 50 per cent for those in expansion mode in the non-metros
Rajinish Menon's enterprise Sukino Health care specialises in offering rehab and recuperation to chronically ill patients at a much lower cost than hospitals
Major stocks in the healthcare equipment sector are showing firm upside of over 15 per cent
All businesses, except essential services, to remain shut; Rs 5,400 cr package announced