The economy is expected to see a sharp contraction, according to Reserve Bank of India's projection, and so will the tax revenues of the government
…and getting GDP to measure India's data economy
They could help key manufacturing value chains more than double their GDP contribution to $500 billion over the next seven years, says Oct 30 note
He said that India is the only country which utilised the opportunity provided by the current crisis to unleash the second generation reforms that are focused on factor markets
Here's a selection of Business Standard opinion pieces for the day
State govt finances would remain under pressure for years
A zero nominal growth rate of GDP would mean the real rate of growth of GDP would be in negative territory.
GDP to be flat in FY21, FDI inflow up 13 per cent between April to August 2020, compared to 2019
Likely slow economic growth in the medium term will be bad for jobs, social harmony and defence capabilities
India's economy is on the mend but GDP growth may be in negative zone or near zero this fiscal, says the Finance Minister.
Hard work on inflation means there is monetary space in this crisis; but years of mismanagement means there is no fiscal firepower
I am not saying that focusing on the GDP growth rate and the fiscal deficit is a bad thing. Not at all. Both are important. But obsessing over them is stupid
This makes India most indebted major economy in the emerging markets after Brazil and Argentina and worse off than Bangladesh and Pakistan
China is not just firm at the No. 2 spot, but is nearing the US fast
Given the level of economic decline, it is reasonable to expect the government to significantly increase spending and support economic activity
India's economic recovery would be sharper compared to Asian peers
Rating agency expects GDP to decline by 11% in FY21; this will trickle down into lower demand for the automotive industry in general
Under UPA 2, the sources said that it had increased from Rs 65,394 in 2009-10 to Rs 78,348 in 2013-14 which is an increase of 19.8 per cent.
IMF predicts a sharp economic recovery in India next year, which is likely to push per capita GDP ahead of Bangladesh in 2021 by a small margin.
Redirecting LTC to buy consumer goods a dampener for tourism, says industry