Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday laid the foundation stone of the Light House Projects (LHP) under the Global Housing Technology Challenge (GHTC-India)
Justice Navin Chawla said the information sought by the RTI applicant with regard to details of the ministry or department officials who accompanied the PM on a trip cannot be disclosed
In a veiled attack on political dynasties, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday said some people paid more attention to their family's legacy than to their country's heritage.
The nation on Saturday paid homage to former prime minister Indira Gandhi on her 36th death anniversary, recalling her contribution
Over 700 districts have participated in the prime minister's awards for excellence in public administration which will be conferred on October 31 at the Statue of Unity in Gujarat
A thankful Dhoni shared the letter on his Twitter page on Thursday, his first social media post since the 'consider me retired' note on Instagram that stunned one and all on Saturday
Notwithstanding the severe criticism of the package for failing to put money into people's pockets, Modi said the Rs 20-trillion package would usher in a new era of opportunities for every Indian
The need of the hour is a rehabilitation programme for those trapped in destitution or near-bankruptcy by the lockdown
Manmohan Singh cleaned up the department of corrupt officers at a very high level in one big sweep.
The book is a very comprehensive effort at capturing the main points of modern Indian history
Despite the setting up of a number of commissions to address the issue of choosing the next man to run the country, several grey areas persist