Markets regulator Sebi on Monday said it has extended the time period to auction the properties of Kerala Housing Finance to February 18, in the wake of the ongoing pandemic situation in Kerala. Earlier, the property was scheduled to be auctioned on February 4. In addition, the regulator has extended the last date of submission of the bids to February 15, from January 31, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) said in a notice. "Considering the COVID-19 pandemic situation existing in the state of Kerala and for the convenience of the proposed bidders for their site visit and submission of bids, it has been decided to extend the last date of submission of the bids and date of e-auction," Sebi said. The regulator will auction properties of Kerala Housing Finance at a reserve price of Rs 1.3 crore in order to recover investors' money. The online auction will take place between 11 am and 12 noon. The properties to be put on sale are land parcels and flats situated in Kerala
The markets regulator has notified new norms to make them responsible to carry out independent validation of the KYC records uploaded onto their system by the Registered Intermediary (RI).
At a time when the weak broader market subdued the Indian equity market consistently, several stocks on the BSE turned multibagger since the start of the calendar year 2022.
The rupee on Friday slumped 25 paise to close at 74.15 (provisional) against the US dollar, as muted domestic equities and elevated crude oil prices weighed on investor sentiments.
Here is the best of Business Standard's opinion pieces for today
The Indian benchmarks are set to climb higher in 2022. Though there can be intermittent corrections, the broad trend remains up. Here is how key indices are stacked up the on technical charts
Here is the best of Business Standard's opinion pieces for Thursday
From equities to commodities and cryptocurrencies, most segments gave handsome returns. But inflation, rate tightening, and the Omicron spread have spoiled the year-end party
Back home, India has logged 653 cases of the Omicron variant of coronavirus across 21 states and Union Territories so far. Of this, 186 have recovered or migrated, official data suggested on Tuesday
The year 2021 was all about fighting the pandemic, staging economic recovery and maintaining your finances well. Let's recap all that shaped the markets this year and the lessons for 2022
Pricing of issues has to be mindful, say experts
The IPO will comprise a fresh issue of Rs 100 crore and an offer for sale worth Rs 500 crore.
Bajaj Finance was the biggest gainer among the 30-frontline companies pack, jumping 2.94%
The sustained selling by foreign portfolio investors on valuation concerns had also weighed on investor sentiment
The stocks of branded footwear retailer Metro Brands made a weak debut on the bourses on Wednesday
So far in December, foreign portfolio investors have sold equities worth over Rs 33,000 crore. This trend is expected continue for the rest of 2021. When can investors get a respite from FPI selling?
Axis Capital, DAM Capital Advisors, Jefferies India, and JM Financial are the book-running lead managers to the issue.
Retail m-cap in the total listed universe has reduced by Rs 1.81 trillion, or 9%
The value of unclaimed securities and other assets was nearly Rs 20,000 crore in March 2020. It could be just the tip of a capital market iceberg
While a bull run pushed up returns, a disciplined approach and proper framework made all the difference in generating alpha for Neelesh Surana